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Ancient Egypt Current Day EgyptGeography of the Nile.

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2 Ancient Egypt

3 Current Day EgyptGeography of the Nile

4  1. The Nile rises and floods the interior region of Egypt every spring feeding the land. It provides the land with live giving water and depositing layers of silt.  2. In ancient times, Egyptians eagerly awaited the floods. Why?  Ancient Egypt was divided into two distinct regions: Upper Egypt in the south and Lower Egypt in the north.  In 3100 B.C. King Menes, the king of Upper Egypt unites the two regions. As a King, why would you want to unite the two regions?


6  Pharaohs organized a strong central government. Egyptians regarded Pharaohs as Gods.  Pharaohs had viziers that took care of various departments such as tax collection, farming, and irrigation.  Ptah-Hotep, a wise vizier took an created a book known as the Instruction of Ptah-hotep to advise young viziers on how to avoid the errors he had seen in other young officials.

7  Tombs were built for preparation for the afterlife.  They preserved the dead bodies of their rulers and buried them with all worldly possessions including servants.

8  The Middle Kingdom was a turbulent time because the Nile did not rise regularly.  Foreign invaders called the Hyksos defeated the Egyptian Armies using horse drawn war chariots. What is the benefit of using this technology versus hand to hand combat?

9  Hatshepsut- she encouraged trade with the eastern Mediterranean lands and along the Red Sea coast of Africa.  Ramses II the most powerful ruler had conquests as far as Syria.

10  Egypt went to war with Nubia and conquered it during the New Kingdom under the reign of Ramses II.  The Egyptians acquired cattle, ivory,slaves, and gold from Nubia.  Much Egyptian art of this period shows Nubian soldiers, musicians, or prisoners.


12  Sun God-Amon Re  The Pharaohs were closely associated with Amon-Re.  Osiris  Ruler of the underworld.  God of the Nile


14  The Egyptians believed that each soul had to pass a test in order to win eternal life.  If Osiris judged the person to be a sinner they would be fed to a crocodile-shaped Eater.  If the soul was considered worthy it would enter the Happy Field of Food.  To survive the journey Egyptians relied on the book of the dead.

15  Skilled embalmers extracted the brain of the dead through the nostrils and removed the internal organs.  The body was wrapped in strips of linen.

16  Most Egyptians were peasant farmers.  Women were more independent compared to other parts of the world because they were able to inherit property, enter business deals, and obtain a divorce.  Advances in learning: Written records (hieroglyphics),The Rosetta Stone (decipher codes),advances in medicine (geometry, calendars, and diagnosing illnesses,)

17  1.Give two examples of how the Nile shaped Ancient Egypt.  2. Provide a two sentence description of Egypt’s three kingdoms.  3. Explain how Egypt was affected by its contacts with the Nubians.  4.How did Osiris influence the people of Ancient Egypt? How did his decision effect the afterlife?  5.Describe the position of women in the Egyptian society.

18  6. Who is Ramses II? What is his importance in ancient Egyptian History?  7. What were some advances made in medicine by the Ancient Egyptians?  8. Why was the process of mummification so important to the preservation of the body?

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