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Key terms dealing with mines? Comstock Lode Boom town Ghost town problems Silver strike in the Sierra Nevadas Town that quickly grew up at a gold strike.

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Presentation on theme: "Key terms dealing with mines? Comstock Lode Boom town Ghost town problems Silver strike in the Sierra Nevadas Town that quickly grew up at a gold strike."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key terms dealing with mines? Comstock Lode Boom town Ghost town problems Silver strike in the Sierra Nevadas Town that quickly grew up at a gold strike Boom towns after the gold was gone Pollution, Native Americans pushed off their land, foreign miners treated poorly

2 Transcontinental Railroad Could travel by rail across the United States Attracted Chinese immigrants Brought rapid growth – economic and settlement

3 Key terms dealing with ranching? longhorns Cattle Kingdom Reasons for success Open range Cattle that roamed free in the West Ranches spread throughout the West Need for beef for miners, railroad workers, etc. Railroads could ship beef from cities like Kansas City to eastern cities Ranchers let their cattle wander. Barbed wire ended this practice and changes ranching.

4 Key terms dealing with farming on the plains? Homestead Act Sodhouses sodbusters 160 acres given free if the land was farmed for 5 years. Houses made out of sod – best building material on the plains. Nickname for farmers who had to break through the thick layer of sod to farm.

5 Populist Party 1891-1896 Consisted of farmers and labor unions Free silver – all silver mined to be made into money William Jennings Bryan was most famous member

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7 Key terms dealing with Native Americans on the plains? buffalo “Walk the white man’s road.” Chivington Massacre Battle of Little Bighorn Dawes Act (1887) N.A. culture totally depended on it. Tried to make N.A. act like white settlers Native Americans slaughtered General Custer and his men were killed Attempted to make farmers out of N.A. - Very unsuccessful.


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10 What is a corporation ? Business owned by investors who buy shares of stock.

11 Key terms dealing with corporations? Capital Stock Stockholder dividend Money to invest Share in a corporation (partial ownership) Owner of stock (partial owner of a company) Payment to stockholder from a corporations profit

12 So why do you invest in a corporation? To make money – either through the price of your stock going up and then you sell it for a profit or through dividends.

13 Key terms dealing with railroads? network consolidate rebates pool System of connected lines When companies combine Discounts to large customers Several railroad companies divide up business and agree to charge high rates

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15 What do we need to know about the steel industry? Leading company Leading individual Name of process for making cheap and strong steel U.S. Steel Andrew Carnegie Bessemer Process

16 Important individuals in the rise of big business? J.P. Morgan Andrew Carnegie John D. Rockefeller Cornelius Vanderbilt Leading banker U.S. Steel (Steel Industry) Standard Oil (Oil Industry) Steamships and railroads

17 What do Carnegie, Rockefeller and Vanderbilt all have in common? Started as poor people Became filthy rich Gave away most of their profits to projects benefiting society

18 Important terms for big business. Trust monopoly Free enterprise system Group of corporations run by a single board of directors. Company that controls all of an industry. Businesses that are owned by private citizens. Companies compete by making the nest products at the lowest price.

19 Inventors and inventions you need to know: Sleeping car telephone phonograph Light bulb Automated assembly line (allowed for mass production) George Pullman Alexander Graham Bell Thomas Edison Henry Ford

20 Knights of Labor Terence Powderly 1869-1886 Very idealistic (create a perfect workplace all at once) Not for strikes Haymarket Riot brought about its end

21 American Federation of Labor (AFL) Samuel Gompers 1886 Union of skilled worker unions Baby steps to improve the workplace Supported strikes

22 Labor terms you need to know: strike injunction Scabs boycott Refusal to work Court order to go back to work Workers who replaced strikers (very unpopular) Refusal to buy a company’s goods

23 What was the importance of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire tragedy? It led to safer working conditions in factories.

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