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Task one – use page 24 to complete the following diagram Membrane functions Separate the cells contents from the external environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Task one – use page 24 to complete the following diagram Membrane functions Separate the cells contents from the external environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Task one – use page 24 to complete the following diagram Membrane functions Separate the cells contents from the external environment

2 Learning objectives (a) outline the roles of membranes within cells and at the surface of cells; (b) state that plasma (cell surface) membranes are partially permeable barriers; (c) describe, with the aid of diagrams, the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure; (d) describe the roles of the components of the cell membrane; phospholipids, cholesterol, glycolipids, proteins and glycoproteins;

3 Fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane create a summary table of the component parts of the cell membrane and their functions using the information around the room

4 Questions to complete using textbook Those in blue the answers are directly from the book Those in red are harder questions where you need to apply what you know (try just coming up with a theory)

5 Q1 What is the typical thickness of a plasma membrane? Q2 Give the terms for “water-loving” and “water-hating” Q3 Why do the heads of the phospholipids point outwards in the bilayer? Q4 Explain the term fluid mosaic Q5 Why can phospholipid molecules in a bilayer only move in the plane of the bilayer? Q6 If a protein spans the membrane, what property must the part of the protein embedded in the central part of the bilayer have? Q7 Why do we call the plasma membrane partially permeable rather than semi-permeable?

6 Plenary – no books Explain the term “fluid mosaic” Explain How you identify the outside of the plasma membrane

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