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Land Governance in Burkina Faso and the Partnership with the U.S.A. World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 24-27 March, 2014 Léger KINDA, Magistrate,

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Presentation on theme: "Land Governance in Burkina Faso and the Partnership with the U.S.A. World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 24-27 March, 2014 Léger KINDA, Magistrate,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Land Governance in Burkina Faso and the Partnership with the U.S.A. World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 24-27 March, 2014 Léger KINDA, Magistrate, General Director for Land and Rural Organization, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security

2 Contexte Burkina Faso: is in West Africa; has a land area of approximately 274000km2; has a population of more than 16 million; has 351 communes and more than 8500 villages; Since the early 2000s, the country has pursued rural land reforms. Why these reforms? Burkina is an agricultural country: 86% of the active population is in agriculture, and they contribute more than 30% to GDP; Annual population growth rate of 3.1%; Desire to increase investment to promote economic growth; Desire to improve obsolete legislation; More investment will lead to reduced land conflict.

3 Legislative Reforms ●Adoption of the rural land policy (PNSFMR) in 2007 and Rural Land law in 2009 (Law 034-2009) ●Adoption of 18 of the 20 decrees foreseen by Law 034-2009 ●Major Innovations Recognition of customary land rights through new land rights possession certificates (APFR) Giving local populations (at the commune and village levels) responsibility for land management by creating new institutions: rural land services (SFR); village land commissions (CFV); and village conflict resolution commissions (CCFV) Taking into account custom and local practice through preparing new local land and resource planning documents (chartes fonciers) Early land conflict resolution before moving conflicts to the courts

4 Achievements of the Rural Land Governance Project This project started the implementation of the rural reforms. It is being implemented by the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA-BF), and financed by the USA The project improved a variety of laws and regulations (decrees, RAF de 2012) Established local institutions for land management in 47 communes: 47 SFRs established 1171 CFVs and many CCFVs Trained 97 SFR agents Trained 2502 CCFV members in alternative resolution of land disputes The project is expected to recognize rural land rights through registration of several thousand APFRs

5 Making project results sustainable Implementing a government strategy to reproduce practical results at the national level This strategy integrates priorities and takes progressive actions, while considering the complexities and sensibilities surrounding land issues The strategy is built around 10 objectives

6 The G8 Partnership Financed by: MCC et USAID Objectives: Conflict reduction through more recognition of rights of households to their land Encourage dissemination of lessons and practical experience, with emphasis on land transaction transparency and gender Two major activities: Establish a national land observatory  Establishment is underway, and the observatory should be functional in April-May  An LGAF is also underway to accompany the establishment of the observatory Building capacity to monitor the transparency of land transactions  Supporting the development of the electronic database for a fledgling land information system (SIF)

7 Merci pour votre aimable attention

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