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SEA-TVET Programe (Southeast Asia Technical and Vocational Education and Training Programme) Harmonisation and Internationalisation of TVET Institutions.

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Presentation on theme: "SEA-TVET Programe (Southeast Asia Technical and Vocational Education and Training Programme) Harmonisation and Internationalisation of TVET Institutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEA-TVET Programe (Southeast Asia Technical and Vocational Education and Training Programme) Harmonisation and Internationalisation of TVET Institutions in Southeast Asia

2 Who is SEAMEO ?

3 Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) An intergovernmental organization promoting cooperation in education, science and culture since 1965

4 Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) 11 Southeast Asian Member Countries 8 Associate Member Countries 4 Affiliate Members

5 21 SEAMEO Regional Centres 12 Centres for Education 7 Centres for Science 2 Centres for Culture

6 What is TVET ? Technical and Vocational Education and Training

7 Why TVET ? 1.ASEAN integration, especially on ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN Socio-cultural Community. 2.Needs of the region to improve quality of TVET for skill developments and human resources mobility 3.Highlighted the importance by ministerial and regional policy meetings since 2012 4.TVET becomes one of the 7 regional priority areas on education of SEAMEO for 20 years (2015-2035)

8 Objectives ? To leverage the standard and competency of TVET institutions, management, teachers and students through the improvement of Internationalization and harmonization of TVET institutions in Southeast Asia To improve internationalisation through cross-country joint activities: student/teacher exchange, curriculum harmonization, industrial attachment and joint research To create a sustainable networking platform among policy makers, TVET institutions, industrial sectors and development agencies

9 What ? VOC School Community College Polytechnic Industry VOC School Community College Polytechnic Industry VOC School Community College Polytechnic Industry VOC School Community College Polytechnic Industry VOC School Community College Polytechnic Industry VOC School Community College Polytechnic Industry VOC School Community College Polytechnic Industry VOC School Community College Polytechnic Industry VOC School Community College Polytechnic Industry VOC School Community College Polytechnic Industry

10 Who ? Policy Makers: PMs, Ministers, SGs, DGs, GBm, Specialists; TVET Institutions: vocational and technical schools/ institution leaders/directors, deans of faculties, teachers/lecturers, researchers, students, parents; Private and Industrial Sector: presidents, managing directors, entrepreneurs. Related Development Agencies in the region and beyond: SEAMEO, British Council, DAAD, GIZ, UNESCO, USAID, GIZ etc.

11 Our Goals 3 Year Roadmap

12 How ?

13 1. Regional meetings and country level workshops from policy makers to institutional level starting from Aug. 2015 with the support of host countries, SEAMEO SEAMOLEC, SEAMEO VOCTECH, ADB, British Council, DAAD, GIZ

14 1. Aug. 2015 1 st High Officials Meeting on SEA-TVET, Chiangmai, Thailand Chiang Mai Joint Statement as a regional policy directions for harmonisation and internationalisation 4 priority industry areas: 1) Hospitality and Tourism, 2) Electronics, Manufacturing, 3) Agriculture and Fisheries and 4) Construction SEA-TVET Consortium and website 2. Sept. 2015 SEA-TVET-DAAD Worksop Solo, Indonesia Networking platform among priority area Participation in SEA-TVET Consortium SEA-TVET Consortium Guidebook/Web 3. October 2015- April 2016 7 Country-Level Workshops: Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam S igned Framework of Cooperation for Student and Teachers Exchange Partnership Action Plans Participation in SEA-TVET Consortium Curriculum/competency Mapping TVET is One of Regional Priority Areas on Education from 2015-2035 Meetings Outputs Research Study on TVET Skill Demands Joint Efforts and Cost Sharing SEA-TVET CONSORTIUM Website; Guidebook; Capacity Building Activities (over 340 members)

15 1 st HOM on TVET, Chiangmai, Thailand, Aug 2015 SEA-TVET DAAD Workshop, Solo, Indonesia Sept 15

16 Country Level Workshops on SEA-TVET Harmonisation and Mobility 1. Siamreap, Cambodia, Oct 20152. Ubonrahcathani, Thailand, Nov 15 3. Yangon, Myanmar, Dec 20154. Vientiane, Lao PDR, Dec 15

17 2. Focusing on 4 priority study/industry areas that contribute to the Southeast Asian economy (Identified by the TVET High Officials, in Aug 2015)

18 SEA-TVET Priority Areas Hospitality and Tourism (1 st priority) Agriculture and Fisheries Electronics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Construction Others such as commerce, marine maritime

19 3. Develop commitments/ signed agreements (Framework of Cooperation) among TVET institutions through the workshops in 7 Countries

20 Country-Level Workshops SEA-TVET Harmonisation and Mobility October 2015- April 2016 1. Cambodia 9-10 Oct 15 3. Myanmar 4-5 Dec 15 2. Thailand 26-28 Nov 15 4.Lao PDR 22-23 Dec 15 5. Philippines March 2016 6 Malaysia Feb 16 7. Vietnam March 2016

21 Over 15 agreements/frameworks of cooperation were signed in the 4 workshops by over 100 TVET institutions from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam Photos of signing

22 Cross-country Agreements among TVET Institutions such as Study visit of the management team and teachers Sharing and mapping of curriculum Teacher exchange for 1-2 weeks Student exchange for 2 weeks to 6 months including industry attachment/internship Teacher training/short course Continue study from certificate level to diploma level

23 The Next Country Level Workshop in Malaysia Hosted by Ministry of Education, Malaysia Venue: Selangor, Malaysia Date: 2.5 days in Feb or early March 2016 6 Priority areas: 1) Bakery and Confectionary; 2) Tourism; 3) Electronics; 4) Industry Machining; 5) Aquaculture; and 7) Construction Technology. Expected outputs: Strategies for competency mapping and commitment for teacher/student exchange

24 4. Development of SEA-TVET Consortium as a networking platform for sharing resources and searching partnership

25 Suggested by the TVET High Officials as a strategy to promote harmonisation and internationalisation among TVET Institutions, partners and industry

26 SEA TVET Consortium A platform of TVET Network for TVET institutions and stakeholders in Southeast Asian countries to work together in harmoinising and internationalising their programmes, teachers and students Objectives: –To create network among TVET providers –To provide opportunities for working together in student and staff exchange and industrial attachement –To share best practices/resources and to generate newe ideas through collaboration The consortium guidebook was developed.

27 SEA-TVET Consortium Website



30 5. Capacity Building Programmes for TVET Leaders and Teachers

31 The 1 st Leadership Training Programme for Manufaturing was organised in Solo, Indonesia in Dec 2015 for Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia (Supported by MOEC, Indonesia) The 2 nd Leadership Training Programme will be organised in Bangkok in Feb 2016 (Supported by BC and SEAMEO)


33 Leadership Programme for Leaders from SEA-TVET institutions Venue: Taipan Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand Date: 16-19 Feb 2016 Objectives: Capacity development for TVET leaders Provide new knowledge on TVET leadership, management for internationalisation and industry partnership Resource Persons: Experts from UK

34 Leadership Programme for Leaders from SEA-TVET institutions Training Content: British Council Connecting Classroom Leadership Programme Leading effective teaching and leaning Planning, monitoring and evaluating Internationalising your school Participants: 50 Particpants only Directors/Principals of TVET schools, colleges,institutions from Southeast Asian countries

35 Leadership Programme for Leaders from SEA-TVET institutions Funding Support: Organisers will support accommodation, experts, programme expenses, lunch and dinner for 4 days, study visit, training materials Eligibility of applicants: Member of SEA-TVET Consortium Leaders of TVET institutions Citizen of Southeast Asian countries Able to support own travel expenses and additional registration fee of Bht3000 (USD 90) Good command of English

36 Leadership Programme for Leaders from SEA-TVET institutions How to Apply: Self-register to be the member of SEA-TVET Consortium Website Download the application form from the website Submit application form by 11 January 2016 Send email to

37 THANK YOU Your are also welcomed to join the SEA-TVET Consortium and the Country-Level Workshops Please email to Leadership Training in Feb: SEA-TVET Programme and Country Workshop in Malaysia :

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