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Psychology 1 Introduction to Psychology. Introduction Welcome to this course in general psychology! This course is designed to introduce you to the scientific.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychology 1 Introduction to Psychology. Introduction Welcome to this course in general psychology! This course is designed to introduce you to the scientific."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychology 1 Introduction to Psychology

2 Introduction Welcome to this course in general psychology! This course is designed to introduce you to the scientific study of psychology, a course about the understanding of human behavior, cognition, and emotions. This course covers many topics, and is designed to familiarize you with theories and concepts from early and current perspectives in psychology. This is an introductory class, and we start at the very beginning.

3 Learning Objectives Upon completion of this course, it is expected that you will be able to: 1). Explain the major perspectives of psychology: behavioral, biological, cognitive, evolutionary, humanistic, psychodynamic, and sociocultural; 2). Describe the different research methods and research terminology (e.g., independent and dependent variables) used by psychologists; 3). Evaluate the appropriateness of conclusions presented in psychological research; 4). List the major applied areas of psychology (e.g., clinical, industrial, school, forensic, human factors, health, etc.); 5). Explain how the major psychological theories, principles, and empirical findings of the subfields of psychology (e.g., biopsychology, developmental, learning, social, etc.) relate to everyday behavior; 6). Seek scientific evidence to evaluate behavioral claims; 7). Recognize prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behavior in oneself and others; 8). Describe several applications of psychological principles to promote self-improvement.

4 Useful Websites Plagiarism—what it is, and how to avoid it (see below for a handout on plagiarism: For writing tips, see Elements of Style, by W. Strunk For other tips on writing psychology papers:

5 Semester Paper All students who have taken Introduction to Psychology should be familiar with the most influential contributions in research and theory, and how these relate to everyday life. Thus, the research review assignment is intended to familiarize you in this area. Please see the detailed handout in the syllabus for this assignment, which is attached to the syllabus. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED, SO PLEASE PLAN AHEAD.

6 Exams There will be 2 exams, which will cover information presented in the course (text and lectures). The final will NOT be a comprehensive exam. All students are to take their exams on the scheduled date. If you have a conflict, then I can arrange for you to take the test EARLIER than the scheduled date, but NOT after. If you have an extreme circumstance (e.g., death in the family, being hospitalized, etc.) then please see me, but you will have to show me your documentation.

7 Exam Reminder You will need to buy two scantron forms (form #882)—one for each exam (please buy these ahead of time so that you don’t have to worry about the bookstore’s hours of operation). IF YOU NEED AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION DICTIONARY WHILE TAKING YOUR EXAMS, YOU MUST HAVE A PAPER COPY—THAT IS, NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES ARE ALLOWED DURING THE EXAMS. Lastly, please bring a photo ID to each exam—I will be checking your I.D. at each exam (EVEN IF I KNOW YOU).

8 Chapter Quizzes You will be expected to take weekly quizzes, and achieve at least 70% correct for credit. These quizzes are not timed, and you may use your book when answering the questions—it is encouraged that you take your time to get your best score the first time. Once you begin a quiz, you must finish it to completion. That is, you cannot save, return later, or click the back arrow. Credit is all or nothing—that is, if you make the 70% criterion, you will receive full credit. You may take it more than once, but please use this as an opportunity to test your knowledge the first time.

9 Weekly Assignments Part of the learning experience takes place by doing weekly assignments. You will have approximately one week to complete each assignment, and this must be received on time to receive credit. You are to complete each weekly assignment by typing your responses, checking the spelling and grammar, and using YOUR OWN WORDS.

10 Weekly Assignments Reminder Plagiarized work will NOT be accepted. All weekly assignments are due to the appropriate folder in “Assignments” by the specified due date and time (usually by 11:00 PM on the Sunday unless otherwise indicated), and please remember that no late assignments will be accepted so please plan ahead. Note: You must first SAVE YOUR DOCUMENT AS A “RICH TEXT FILE” (i.e., “rtf” file) BEFORE UPLOADING IT TO THE BLACKBOARD SYSTEM. IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS, I CANNOT OPEN YOUR DOCUMENT, THUS YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT FOR THAT ASSIGNMENT.

11 Weekly Assignments Reminders Also, please follow the instructions for how to properly upload assignments. I will have you upload each assignment two ways—i.e., by cutting and pasting your entire document (minus the graphics) in the message window in the Blackboard system, and uploading the document to the system. Lastly, it takes approximately one week for me to read through each student’s paper. Once I am finished reading all papers, I will post your score on the Blackboard system. However, please note that it usually takes me at least a week to read and post credit for all students’ assignments.

12 Discussion Board Participation Throughout the semester, the class will engage in discussions on various topics. It is expected that you will respond with at least three comments on each discussion board topic to receive credit. If you make only one or two comments, you will only get partial credit. See the handout for how to participate in Blackboard discussions.

13 Last Reminders Check Your Email! –To earn credit and to be kept apprised of the course information, you must access the course web site two or more times per week. I will be emailing you information, and it is your responsibility to get that information. –For easy access to the website, log on to, and click on the “Blackboard” icon. Then, click on “login,” and supply your username and password. Your “userID” is usually your first initial followed by your last name, followed by a number (this is the same as your student email—everything before the “@” sign). Your password is your college assigned PIN number (usually followed by two zeros)

14 Last Reminders Please read your syllabus very well! You will be held accountable for all deadlines and other requirements. Please frequently refer to the schedule portion of the syllabus. The deadline dates and times are posted. Have a GREAT semester!

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