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Partnering for a Strategic Academic Return on Investment in IT Fairleigh Dickinson University Collegis, Inc. Copyright Catherine Kelley, Michael Sperling.

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Presentation on theme: "Partnering for a Strategic Academic Return on Investment in IT Fairleigh Dickinson University Collegis, Inc. Copyright Catherine Kelley, Michael Sperling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnering for a Strategic Academic Return on Investment in IT Fairleigh Dickinson University Collegis, Inc. Copyright Catherine Kelley, Michael Sperling and William H. Graves, 2002. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

2 Presenters Catherine Kelley, Ph.D. Assistant Provost for Educational Technology Fairleigh Dickinson University Michael Sperling, Ph.D. Associate Provost for Interdisciplinary, Distributed and Global Learning Fairleigh Dickinson University William Graves, Ph.D. Vice Chairman, Collegis, Inc. Chief Academic Officer

3 Overview FDU has been working with Collegis (formerly Eduprise) for 2 ½ years Original model was quick-start for our new Distance Learning Initiative Moved gradually to a consulting model Presently working towards a true partnership

4 Roadmap to talk Cathy: Decision to use an e-learning services company –Early development –Maturing of our staff and initiatives Michael: Further initiatives and academic return on investment Bill: Collegis’ perspective on partnerships with universities

5 Vision University Mission: Leaders in Global Education President J. Michael Adams: –Internet as Fundamental Learning, Communication, Research & Collaboration Tool –Need to Use the Internet to Bring the World to our Students

6 Distance Learning Initiative All students to take one primarily online class per each 32 credits of study Global Virtual Faculty Program Initial Model: (1) University-level course for freshmen (4-8) College-level courses for sophomores (~20-40) Departmental / major level courses for juniors (??) Electives for seniors Only 6 months to develop support infrastructure

7 Year 0 - Technology at FDU in 2000 Educational Technology: 3 person office Already busy supporting ITV, classroom technology, web-enhanced classes, etc. Help Desk – No Expertise to run Blackboard - No Not enough people to get the DL Initiative off the ground - needed a quick start

8 Year 0 – Collegis Services Review of IT infrastructure and services Blackboard / Datatel Integration, together with our IT staff Help Desk services for Blackboard Instructional Design Consulting

9 Year 1 - Early Development The First Course: The Global Challenge (CORE 1006) Instructional Design Support from (then) Eduprise, with Faculty Team Assessment Consulting Results – Demo of Global Challenge

10 Student Reaction to Global Challenge Assessment results from Fall 2001 and Spring 2002: –Characteristic of growth over the two terms –Student reactions generally more favorable in Spring term –Comments: favorable attitude toward independent learning, belief in the value of online learning –Some students have had technical problems

11 Year 2 - Staff Growth Grew from 3 to 7 – more than double 3 more hires pending Our staff now includes 3 instructional design positions, 4 technical support positions, assessment specialist Our expertise has been developing as well Minimal need for instructional design assistance

12 Year 2 - Courses University College – The Life of the Mind Becton College – Environmental Biology –Nobel Literature –General Psychology New College – Macroeconomics –Career Women in Literature and Film –Intro to Computers College of Business - Macroeconomics

13 Year 2 – Developmental Model Consulting from Collegis: Primarily in development of look and feel, navigational structure, graphics Some courses – template development, with our staff completing the courses Other courses – faculty developed, Collegis provided instructional design review

14 Conclusions for our work with Collegis so far: Got a good quick start while developing our own in-house expertise Model changed from direct development to consulting and guidance Relationship with Collegis developing from client to partner

15 Maximizing Strategic Return on Investment (ROI) Academically-driven initiatives Niche spin-off ventures Strategic partnering Enhanced image and institutional differentiation Enhanced institutional income

16 ROI Benefits Realized Teaching on the web can be an excuse to rethink issues of design and pedagogical values because of the newness of the medium; it cultivates reflective faculty dialogue Teaching on the web forces us to think hard about outcomes and factors that will promote learning Press coverage and a national leadership position Enhanced enrollments/recruitment base over time Opening the institution to large grants, alumni outreach, and national student exposure

17 Spin-Off Initiative Examples National Guard Global Education Project (collaboration with NJ National Guard and federal National Guard Bureau) National Outreach to Rising High School Seniors (collaboration with NJ DOE and corporate foundations)

18 More information on FDU’s Distance Learning Initiative:

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