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1.  Introduction  Statement of the Problem  Review of Related Literature  Statement of the Hypothesis  Participants  Experimental Design  Procedure.

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Presentation on theme: "1.  Introduction  Statement of the Problem  Review of Related Literature  Statement of the Hypothesis  Participants  Experimental Design  Procedure."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2  Introduction  Statement of the Problem  Review of Related Literature  Statement of the Hypothesis  Participants  Experimental Design  Procedure  Graphs  Charts  Correlation  Results  Discussion  Implications  Threats to Internal validity  Threats to External validity 2

3  The importance of proper nutrition and exercise has been ↓ even though the obesity rate has been ↑.  Unfortunately, when dieting and exercising is done improperly, there can be some serious personal and physical side effects.  Each person needs to decide for themselves through research and proper information from highly established professionals what is clearly right or wrong. 3

4  How can we deliver proper nutrition and exercise in a child’s daily routine accurately to positively affect their schoolwork and their health? 4

5  Colquhoun & Kirk, 1989 p. 423-424  French, Kaphingst, & Story, 2006, p.115-117  Christie, Kathy, 2005, p. 5-7  Adeyanju & Greene, 1991, p. 439-441 5

6  Monitoring correct diet and exercise of both male and female adolescent students to ensure that they are living a healthy lifestyle will positively affect their academic performance in all subject areas and lower their chances of health complications for the future. 6

7 7  Sample Size (N) =23 students  Ages ranged from12-19  13 Caucasian students, 3 Hispanic, 7 African American  19 are female (two 19, one 18, two 17, six 16, one 15, three 14, two 13, and two 12 year olds)  4 are male (two 13, one 14, and one 15 year old)

8 8  This is a Quasi Experimental Design. It includes a pre-test, and/or post-test design, a sample size, and instruments.  These pretests and posttests were a self-created study and has not been tested. To date, there are no validity and reliability coefficients; this is pilot tested. One Group Pretest-Posttest Design  Single group is pretested (o), exposed to a treatment (X), and posttested (0).  Symbolic Design OXO

9 9  23 kids not randomly selected  Received pretest survey (Appendix B)  Received sample diary (Appendix D)  Received name of doctor (Appendix E)  List of foods that would help them along with their new diet (Appendix F)  Finally, children received posttest survey (Appendix C)

10 10 Quest. 1Quest. 2Quest. 3Quest. 4Quest. 5Quest. 6Quest. 7Quest. 8Quest. 9 L111244121 J121122211 F121133121 M231233231 S112232221 L121143121 J221233121 N121144121 S131233131 G121144121 M122332222 M131242221 T231233221 R121133121 C121143121 J332221332 A332222322 P221221322 B232222322 S232232121 E332222322

11  The students wished to remain anonymous so their first letter of their first name is listed.  Columns B through J in Row 1 represent the questions from the pretest survey-actual questions found in Appendix B  This graph/chart is based on a Likert Scale 1=Absolutely, 2=Possibly, 3= Unlikely, and 4=No Way. 11

12 12

13 13 X column=number of students who picked Absolutely, Possibly, Unlikely, and No Way Y column=number of students who picked Absolutely, Slightly, Want more of a change, and No Way Question 1: Do you think that by altering your exercise and eating habits, you will/do feel better about yourself? Question 2: You will be/are more alert during school? xy 1312 27 165 87 00 29 126 11

14 14 These results show a positive correlation of r = 0.716 with one degree of freedom

15 Would Feel Better About ThemselvesFelt Better About Themselves 50%55.6% 15 Would Feel More Alert In SchoolDid Feel More Alert 50%61% Satisfied with the Way They LookedWanted More of a Change 8%100% Wanted to ChangeHappy with the Change 41%83.3% Believed Diet & Exercise ImportantDiet & Exercise Helped 33%88.8%

16  Adolescent students of both the male and female gender would generate a positive effect in both their schoolwork and their personal lives  Positive results are consistent with the opinions and findings of Colquhoun & Kirk (1989), Gortmaker, Kim, Lindsay, & Sussner (2006), Deusinger, Deusinger, Highstein, Racette, & Strube (1996), Adeyanju, & Greene (1991), etc…  Disagreements came from Lee, & Owen (1989), Taubes (2001) and Edwards (1988) 16

17  If we had the right training for the children and teachers, we could find a way to get students and ourselves to start leading a healthier lifestyle to avoid the problems we could encounter in the future and allow students to work harder and better at their academic subjects.  It is with this conclusion that I believe that more empirical research is needed to establish how to instill these ideas effectively. 17

18  History  Maturation  Mortality  Testing  Instrumentation 18 Threats to External Validity  Pretest Treatment  Selection-Treatment Maturation  Experimenter Effects  Ecological Validity

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