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BC Curriculum Revisions 1968 → what 1976 → what 1984 → what + how 1994 → what + how 2003 → what + how 2008 → what + how 2015 → how + what.

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Presentation on theme: "BC Curriculum Revisions 1968 → what 1976 → what 1984 → what + how 1994 → what + how 2003 → what + how 2008 → what + how 2015 → how + what."— Presentation transcript:

1 BC Curriculum Revisions 1968 → what 1976 → what 1984 → what + how 1994 → what + how 2003 → what + how 2008 → what + how 2015 → how + what

2 MATHEMATICS 1 Foundations and Pre-Calculus Reasoning and analyzing Inductively and deductively reason and use logic to explore, make connections, predict, analyze, generalize, and make conclusions Estimate Develop and apply mental math strategies Use tools {appropriate technology) to explore and create patterns, examine relationships, and test conjectures Understanding and solving Implement multiple strategies to solve problems in both abstract and real-life situations using different cultural perspectives Develop, construct, and apply mathematical understanding through play, inquiry, and problem solving Communicating and representing Use mathematical vocabulary and language to contribute to mathematical discussions Communicate in a variety of ways Explain, clarify, and justify mathematical ideas Develop mathematical understanding through concrete, pictorial, and symbolic representations Use technology appropriately to record, communicate, and represent thinking Connecting and reflecting Visualize and describe mathematical concepts Explore, apply, and connect mathematical concepts to each other and make mathematical connections to other disciplines and the real world Use dynamic visualizations to explore geometric and graphical relationships Use mathematical arguments to support personal choices and recognize the consequences Apply cultural perspectives of First Peoples to the concepts of locating, measuring, and numbering strategies to solve puzzles and win games primary trigonometric ratios metric and imperial measurement conversions analysis of measures of central tendency, including outliers experimental probability income, including taxes and deductions savings and compound interest area and volume relations among data, graphs, and situations powers with integral exponents multiplication of polynomial expressions common factors and trinomial factoring linear equations with rational coefficients linear relations

3 MATHEMATICS 1 Foundations and Pre-Calculus


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