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EMC Corporation IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98 IBIS Connector Models: Working Group Status Fabrizio Zanella, EMC Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "EMC Corporation IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98 IBIS Connector Models: Working Group Status Fabrizio Zanella, EMC Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMC Corporation IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98 IBIS Connector Models: Working Group Status Fabrizio Zanella, EMC Corporation

2 EMC Corporation IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98 Group consists of 9 members from 7 companies. Molex, Hyperlynx, Berg, Teradyne, EMC, Ansoft and AMP are represented. Good mix of connector companies and software vendors. Conference calls 2-3x/months + emails. IBIS Connector BIRD

3 EMC Corporation IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98 IBIS Connector BIRD Preliminary BIRD is being drafted Connector IBIS model should be a separate document from IBIS 3.1, etc. Defined ~ 25 new key words not in IBIS 3.1 spec Spec is defining single and multiline connector models Mated model, backplane and daughtercard half matrix models will be included.

4 EMC Corporation IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98 IBIS Connector BIRD Model can be lumped or distributed. Model can be created from 2D or 3D solver. Model will have several L,C matrix sections. Defined separate model (swath) method of defining small section which is repeated throughout the entire connector helps in reducing size of connector model

5 EMC Corporation IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98 Schematic of Connector Model

6 EMC Corporation IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98 IBIS Connector BIRD Option of including JPEG file as part of IBIS connector model, so user can see picture of connector. Looking into how to model ‘T’ stubs and loops in connectors. We are interested in requesting funding from IBIS committee for the connector model parser. IBIS connector BIRD will be completed in January ‘99.

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