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Elements of Photography Hunter Moon. Depth of Field I think this has Depth of Field because the background’s blurred to make the bird stand out. Owner:pipilongstockingspipilongstockings.

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Presentation on theme: "Elements of Photography Hunter Moon. Depth of Field I think this has Depth of Field because the background’s blurred to make the bird stand out. Owner:pipilongstockingspipilongstockings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements of Photography Hunter Moon

2 Depth of Field I think this has Depth of Field because the background’s blurred to make the bird stand out. Owner:pipilongstockingspipilongstockings License information: Attribution Photo Credit or URL:

3 Depth of Field This picture is depth of field because the background behind the blue jay is blurred so the blue jay stands out more. Owner:dhackettcandhackettcan License information: Attribution Photo Credit or URL:

4 Perspective This is perspective because the wolf was looking away and the picture was also taken from an angle below the wolf. Owner: Serge MelkiSerge Melki License information: Attribution Photo Credit or URL:

5 Perspective This is perspective because the picture was taken from a side angle of the bird. Owner:StuartJPPStuartJPP License information: Attribution Photo Credit or URL:

6 Leading Lines This because has leading lines because the lines in the brick lead towards the squirrel. Owner:andhijandhij License information: Attribution Photo Credit or URL:

7 Leading Lines This picture is leading lines because the lines in the stones and the basket weaving lead to the Husky puppy. Owner:Tom.PiringerTom.Piringer License information: Attribution Photo Credit or URL:

8 Rule of Thirds This is Rule of Thirds because the panda’s in the top and bottom left of the photo and is staring outside of the picture. Owner: George LuGeorge Lu License information: Attribution Photo Credit or URL:

9 Rules of Thirds This is rule of thirds because the tiger’s in the bottom left corner of the photo. Owner:Sigurrós1Sigurrós1 License information: Attribution Photo Credit or URL:

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