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Faxing Labs and Ultrasounds. There may be situations in which a client needs a lab faxed outside of standard office hours or at a MACL near their home,

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Presentation on theme: "Faxing Labs and Ultrasounds. There may be situations in which a client needs a lab faxed outside of standard office hours or at a MACL near their home,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Faxing Labs and Ultrasounds

2 There may be situations in which a client needs a lab faxed outside of standard office hours or at a MACL near their home, or another lab entirely. This will require faxing a request outside of standard procedure. Ultrasounds are similar. This module will assist you in faxing that order to the appropriate location.

3 Faxing as Photo From Paper Copy Fill out requisition as standard procedure and have CNM sign Use iPad to photograph form

4 Faxing as Photo From Paper Copy Go to iPad Camera Roll Click images button on bottom right corner Then on next screen click on bottom left to open airdrop pop-up

5 Faxing as Photo From Paper Copy Select image to be sent Click Mail Icon

6 Faxing as Photo From Paper Copy Email Screen will appear Enter fax number as email address Copy and paste confidentiality note into Subject Line Confidentiality Note: The information contained in this facsimile message is legally privileged and confidential information intended to the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or reproduction of the telecopy is strictly prohibited. If you have received this telecopy in error, please immediately notify us by telephone and return the original facsimile to Believe Midwifery Services, 118 West Main Street, Thorntown, IN 46071 via the United States Postal Service we will reimburse you for the postage cost. Thank you.

7 Faxing as Photo From Paper Copy Send as normal email Follow up with phone call to lab to confirm order was received Send a copy of such order to the client, either via fax or password protected email, so they can make it available when they show up for their lab draw and the staff state the order was not received. This always happens and be sure to tell the client this so they recognize the problem is not on our end.

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