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CrossingPoints B EING A G OOD L ISTENER. W HY IS LISTENING SO IMPORTANT ?  Listening is always necessary in order to understand the needs and desires.

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Presentation on theme: "CrossingPoints B EING A G OOD L ISTENER. W HY IS LISTENING SO IMPORTANT ?  Listening is always necessary in order to understand the needs and desires."— Presentation transcript:

1 CrossingPoints B EING A G OOD L ISTENER

2 W HY IS LISTENING SO IMPORTANT ?  Listening is always necessary in order to understand the needs and desires of others.  In Friendships  In Adult Relationships  In Work Situations  We must listen attentively in order to make a living and understand the problems to be solved.

3 T HE S TORY  Sam Jones is on his big first day at his first job at Big Jake’s. His new boss, Mr. Axle, is having a busy day and would like to help Sam but a busload of campers has just come in for lunch. Sam’s first job is to make Big Jake burgers.  These are the instructions that Mr. Axle gave him: “Now Sam, as the burgers come down the line, place the beef patty on the bun first, then add some special sauce, put some onions on it with a slice of tomato, then place the middle bun on add a slice of cheese, another beef patty, more special sauce, two pickles, and finally a slice of onion.

4 T HE S TORY CONTINUED …  Mr. Axle adds, “Oh and don’t forget the lettuce, mustard, ketchup, and relish too! Do you have any questions? Good Luck”  Sam was so proud to be given so much responsibility the first day. He really wanted to do a good job. Sam started to make his first Big Jake burger. He loved onions and relish, but he didn’t like mustard and ketchup. Sam thought the special sauce was tasty on the lettuce.

5 L ET ’ S DISCUSS THE STORY  What do you suppose happened to Sam that day?  Why?  What could Sam have done in order to have a successful first day?

6 T HINGS TO DO IN ORDER TO BE A G OOD L ISTENER  Look at the speaker  Use positive facial expressions  Concentrate on what is being said  If you are asked a question, indicate that you heard by answering or nodding your head  Ask questions if you do not understand or need additional information


8 W ATCH THE STORY AGAIN  What did Sam do right/wrong that time?  What would you have done in that situation?

9 D ID YOU GUYS LISTEN TO THE STORY ?  What were the ingredients that Mr. Axle asked Sam to put on the Big Jake?  Write them on the worksheet as a group.

10 T HE S ECOND S TORY  Carol was excited about her first baby-sitting job. This was an opportunity for her to earn her own money and demonstrate to her parents that she was a responsible person. Carol felt very confident about her abilities in baby-sitting. She had lots of practice and experience caring for her own younger brothers and sisters at home. She felt that she could handle any situation.

11 T HE S ECOND S TORY CONTINUED …  Carol arrived 15 minutes early to begin her first job at the home of the Rodgers family. Mrs. Rodgers was pleased with Carol’s attitude, appearance, and self- confidence. Mrs. Rodgers explained to Carol that one of her 3 children suffered violent reactions whenever he ate any food item that had sugar as an ingredient. Mrs. Rodgers asked Carol to listen very carefully to her instructions on how to resolve this problem if it occurred. First she told her to attempt to calm her down, then give him 2 teaspoons of medicine and observe him for 5 minutes. If the condition remains, give him 2 more teaspoons of medicine and call the number she provided.

12 T HE S ECOND S TORY CONTINUED …  Carol had never been a good listener, and today was no exception. As Mrs. Rodgers gave these important directions, Carol was playing with the children and patting the family dog.  Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers departed and carol was on her own. The first several hours passed without incident. Then, somehow, Johnny, who is allergic to sugar, managed to find a candy bar and ate it. A short time later, Carol heard a crash and other loud noises. Johnny was destructive with his toys and was totally out of control. Carol tried to remember the directions that she had been given, but couldn’t remember the sequence.

13 L ET ’ S DISCUSS THE STORY  What should Carol do?  Why?  Why is it so important to listen carefully to instructions?

14 T HINGS TO DO IN ORDER TO BE A G OOD L ISTENER  Look at the speaker  Use positive facial expressions  Concentrate on what is being said  If you are asked a question, indicate that you heard by answering or nodding your head  Ask questions if you do not understand or need additional information


16 W ATCH THE STORY AGAIN  What did Carol do right/wrong that time?  What would you have done in that situation?

17 D ID YOU GUYS LISTEN TO THE STORY ?  What were the instructions that Mrs. Rodgers gave Carol?  Write them on the worksheet as a group.

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