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Duties of the National Employment and Social Office (FSZH) with special regard to groups that are handicapped from the aspect of labour market reintegration.

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Presentation on theme: "Duties of the National Employment and Social Office (FSZH) with special regard to groups that are handicapped from the aspect of labour market reintegration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Duties of the National Employment and Social Office (FSZH) with special regard to groups that are handicapped from the aspect of labour market reintegration Tibor Bors Borbely-Pecze senior consultant National Employment and Social Office Public Employment Service 7 November 2008 Nordic Network for Adult Learning

2 2 The context – society & labour market

3 3 EU27 & HU main figures EU27 HU Activity rate (15-64) (2006)70.1%62.0% Employment rate (15-64) (2006)64.3%57.3% Total unemployment (2006) 7.1% 7.4% Youth unempl. rate (15-24) (2006) 17.5% 19.1% LTU 3.6% 3.4% LLL (25-64) (2006) 9,7% 3.6% Average exit age (EU ‘06, HU ‘05) 61.2 ys. 59.8 ys. Average unemployment period in HU: over 16 months (according LFS)

4 4 Labour market and Employment in Hungary

5 5 Hungarian labour market main facts  570 000 active age citizens with only compulsory education (8/10 classes) = 30% of the active labour force In 30% Romas In 30% Romas  Activity rate -10 % to OECD average It’s – 20% between low / under-skilled It’s – 20% between low / under-skilled  Employment rate could be raised + 1,5% to 2015  Programme of Convergence -0,6% for 2009

6 6 The PES (ÁFSZ) perspective – strong regional differences Registry based unmeployment rate 15-74 (2007q3)

7 7 Registry based figures & ÁFSZ  424 600 registered 119 900 received job-seekers benefit 119 900 received job-seekers benefit 145 700 received social assistance 145 700 received social assistance  69 000 vacancies  140 400 for more than 1 year (LTU)  42 900 young people in the registry  Average time in registry 350 days  85 500 people in ALPM October 2008

8 8

9 9 The new service model - developments 2002- PHARE 2004 HRDOP 2008 SROP, SIOP

10 10 Main ALMP tools (LMF 2007)

11 11 Priority 3: Reducing territorial and housing disadvantages, with special regard to the integration of the Roma NATIONAL STRATEGY REPORT ON SOCIAL PROTECTION AND SOCIAL INCLUSION 2008-2010

12 12 Special programmes for labour market reintegration  Labour market programmes for special needs 2000-2008 20 billions HUF (~ 76,9 millions EUR) 20 billions HUF (~ 76,9 millions EUR) 41 688 participants 41 688 participants  Sources National Employment Fund (MpA) National Employment Fund (MpA) Since May 2004 ESF Since May 2004 ESF

13 13 ÁFSZ customers with special needs (Romas, employment rehabilitation)  New system for employment rehabilitation (01.01.2008.) In 2007: 40 551 people were in the programmes In 2007: 40 551 people were in the programmes 7912 found vacancies in the primary labour market7912 found vacancies in the primary labour market 6657 wage subsidies6657 wage subsidies 836 in training836 in training  Roma programmes 13 109 in the programmes 13 109 in the programmes 2302 in training 2302 in training 1286 received wage subsidies 1286 received wage subsidies

14 14 Thank you for kind your attention! You can contact me at: Borbelytibor[at]lab[dot]hu NESO’s websites in English - overall - for Euro Guidance - for employment policy research

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