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S4 - 1 Eboli Outbreak. S4 - 2 Sick Tourist The four-day annual jazz festival will open in three days. Visitors are already beginning to enter the capital.

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1 S4 - 1 Eboli Outbreak

2 S4 - 2 Sick Tourist The four-day annual jazz festival will open in three days. Visitors are already beginning to enter the capital and nearly 20,000 foreign visitors are expected before the opening. At 6:00 a.m., a small hotel in Skopje reports to the police the death of a foreign musician of one of the featured jazz groups from Africa and a serious illness of three other members of the group. All were staying in the same hotel, having arrived two days ago.

3 S4 - 3 Sick Tourist (cont) The doctor on the scene attributes the cause of death to a “tropical disease” with symptoms he has never seen before. He’s not certain that the three ill musicians will survive. A police examination of the travel documents of the jazz group shows that they traveled through Paris to Skopje from the Central African Republic (CAR) three days ago.

4 S4 - 4 Sick Tourist (cont) The international press has reported an outbreak of Eboli in the CAR over the past two weeks. Eboli is an incurable, highly contagious, epidemic-type, fatal disease, which has been responsible for numerous deaths and epidemics in Africa. The police and health officials have managed thus far to avoid press discovery of the incident, but expect queries at any time.

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