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Published byDorothy Willis Modified over 9 years ago
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 1 “European Nuclear Science and Applications Research 2” (ENSAR2) Muhsin N. Harakeh Coordinator ENSAR2 on behalf of the ENSAR2 management group NuPECC Strategy Meeting 16 January 2016 Darmstadt, Germany
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 2 ENSAR2 is the integrating activity (IA) for European nuclear scientists who are performing research in three of the major subfields defined by NuPECC: Nuclear Structure and Dynamics, Nuclear Astrophysics and Nuclear Physics Tools and Applications. Its core aim is to provide access to nine of the complementary world-class large-scale facilities: GANIL (F), GSI (D), LNL-LNS (I), JYFL (FI), KVI-CART (NL), CERN- ISOLDE (CH), ALTO (F), IFIN-HH/ELI-NP (RO) and NLC (PL). These facilities provide stable and radioactive ion beams of excellent qualities ranging in energies from tens of keV/u to a few GeV/u and intense photon beams up to 20 MeV energy. The stable-ion beams range from protons to uranium. (Faiçal Azaiez) Radioactive ion beams are produced using the two complementary methods of in- flight fragmentation (IFF) and isotope separation on-line (ISOL), so that several hundred isotopes are available for the users. (Marek Lewitowicz) The high-intensity, high-energy photon beams are produced by laser back- scattering from high-energy electron beams. (Ioan Ursu) Small-scale facilities (Sotiris Harissopulos) In addition, the infrastructure ECT* (I) will provide a unique place for meetings, seminars and workshops to the community.
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 33 Partners of 30 30 beneficiaries 15 countries 30 30 beneficiaries 15 countries 7 10 TNA Facilities Community: 2700-3000 scientists and highly qualified engineers Close collaboration with infrastructures outside Europe: Canada: TRIUMF China: IMP Lanzhou Japan: RIKEN & RCNP Russia: Dubna/JINR South Africa: iThemba United States: NSCL & ANL Close collaboration with infrastructures outside Europe: Canada: TRIUMF China: IMP Lanzhou Japan: RIKEN & RCNP Russia: Dubna/JINR South Africa: iThemba United States: NSCL & ANL GANIL GSI LNL-INFN LNS-INFN JYL ALTO-CNRS MedAustron ULB KUL CEA UMIL JOGU NCSRD ATOMKI-HAS ECT* FFCUL ELI-NP / IFIN-HH USC CIEMAT ISOLDE-CERN JLU UoY I I UWAR-HIL & IFJ PAN Univ. Sevilla LMU ARRONAX ULIV Köln CSIC FP8 ENSAR2 RUG-KVI
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 4 TNAs GANIL-SPIRAL2 (France) LNL-LNS (INFN, Italy) ISOLDE (CERN, Switzerland) JYFL (Finland) ALTO (CNRS, France) GSI (Germany) KVI-CART (The Netherlands) NLC (HIL/IFJ PAN, Poland) IFIN-HH/ELI-NP (Romania) ECT* (Italy)
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 5 NUclear STructure Astrophysics and Reactions How are complex nuclei built from their basic constituents? What is the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction and how does QCD constrain its parameters? How does the three-nucleon force modify the picture? How does the effective nuclear force depend on varying proton-to-neutron ratios? What is the isospin dependence of the spin-orbit force? How does shell structure change far from stability? How does the role of N-N correlations in nuclei and nuclear matter change with isospin? How to explain collective phenomena from individual motion? What are the phases, relevant degrees of freedom, and symmetries of the nuclear many-body system? What are the limits of existence of nuclei? Where are the proton and neutron drip lines situated? What are the heaviest elements? How does the equation of state of nuclear matter change with neutron-to-proton asymmetry? How large is the symmetry energy and its density dependence? What are the properties of neutron-rich matter? Which nuclei are relevant for astrophysical processes, what are their properties and what is their impact on nucleosynthesis modelling?
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 6 NUSTAR - The Project (*) NESR required – alternative/intermediate “operation” within MSV under discussion. SHE physics case has been endorsed by ECE.
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 7 NAs NA1-FISCO2: FInancial and Scientific Coordination 2 Managing Network to insure a smooth running of the ENSAR2 IA in all aspects of technical, scientific, financial, administrative, contractual and legal activities. It will supervise an impact study on TNA infrastructures and on ENSAR2 itself. FISCO2 will also stimulate dissemination of knowledge and outreach activities. The Networking Activities have been set-up with specific actions to strengthen the community work in TNAs and JRAs.
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 8 NAs NA2-NuSPRA(SEN): Nuclear Structure Physics, Reactions and Astrophysics (and Superheavy Elements Network) Provides a forum to discuss the scientific interests of the nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics communities (including EURISOL community), the progress in these subfields and the optimisation of the use of the large RIs for that purpose. Task 1. Coordination of activities and dissemination(All) Task 2. Physics goals, synergies, future directions (JLU) Subtask 2.1: Nuclear structure Subtask 2.2: Nuclear reactions Subtask 2.3: Nuclear astrophysics Subtask 2.4: Superheavy elements
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 9 NAs NA3-MIDAS: MInimisation of Destructive plASma processes in ECR ion sources Supports developments of ion sources by academic and industrial (AVS and PANTECHNIK) experts and organise trainings and workshops on this topic for the community. Task 1: Coordination of scientific activities and dissemination (JYU) Task 2: Collaboration workshops (GANIL) Task 3: Hands-on-training (GSI)
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 10 NAs NA4-NUSPIN: NUclear SPectroscopy Instrumentation Aims at pooling and optimising the use of the valuable resources for high resolution gamma-ray and spectroscopy and coordinating their use at the facilities. Instruction courses for young scientists and engineers to get them acquainted with these techniques are part of this activity. Task 1: Coordination, promotion and dissemination (INFN) Task 2: Working groups for the different types of detectors (INFN) Subtask 2.1: Working Group 1: High-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy. Subtask 2.2: Working Group 2: Particle detectors. Subtask 2.3: Working Group 3: High-efficiency and fast-timing scintillator detectors. Subtask 2.4: Working Group 4: Devices for nuclear moments & transition probabilities. Task 3: Collaboration Workshops (All) Task 4: Training of new users and exchange of experts (All)
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 11 NAs NA5-MediNet: Medical Network Is devoted to nuclear physics for medicine through the developments of beam and detection techniques and of ion- beam therapy. Task 1 (LMU) comprises research on beam-delivery methods, large-area transmission detectors, non-destructive beam-intensity measurements, improved imaging technology (proton and ion radiography and tomography, in-situ PET systems, prompt-γ imaging detectors, vertex imaging), and reliable online dosimetry. Task 2 (EBG MedAustron) focuses in one of the most critical fields of ion- beam therapy, that is the forecast of the biological effects to the radiation used in therapy (today proton and carbon-ions are the particles selected). Task 3: Network Meetings (LMU, EBG MedAustron)
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 12 NAs NA6-GDS: Gas-filled Detectors and Systems Gathers experts of gas-filled detectors and systems to develop new techniques to overcome constraints such as high- intensity beams and strong non-uniform magnetic fields. Task 1: Management/GDS Coordination (GANIL) Task 2: GDS in strong and non-uniform magnetic fields (CEA, KU Leuven) Task 3: Novel detection systems for high-intensity and heavy- ion beams (USC, GANIL) Task 4: Rare-gas target handling and recycling systems (CNRS, CEA) Task 5: Auxiliary detectors (INFN, KU Leuven)
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 13 NAs NA7-ENSAF: European Network of Small-scale Accelerator Facilities Is a network of small-scale accelerators to support technical developments and tests for experiments at large-scale infrastructures Task 1: Awareness (NCSRD): Survey of resources. Task 2: Exchange of know-how and best practices (USE) Task 3: Linking ENSAF and TNA facilities (NCSRD) Task 4. Training of students and young researchers at small facilities (UCO)
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 14 NAs NA8-NuPIA: Nuclear Physics InnovAtion Is a transversal activity to support innovation through bridging between academic research and industry, impact study and training of industrial personnel in research institutions. Task 1: Survey of innovation within the ENSAR2 WPs (CEA) Task 2: Bridging and dissemination (UNIWARSAW, GANIL) Subtask 2.1: Bridging (UNIWARSAW) Subtask 2.2: Dissemination and communication activities (GANIL) Task 3: Training in nuclear techniques : Schools for employees of industrial companies (JYU, ULIV)
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 15 JRAs The joint research activities deal with novel and innovative technologies to improve the operation of and enhance the access to ENSAR2 facilities. They are in general relevant to more than one facility and rely on strong participation of the European university groups. These activities involve all facets of operation of an accelerator facility.
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 16 JRAs JRA1-PASPAG: Phoswich scintillator assemblies: Application to the Simultaneous detection of PArticle and Gamma radiation Studies detection of particles and gamma rays with phoswich scintillators allowing for simultaneous detection with same detector array. PASPAG will also develop applications of detection systems for homeland security. Task 1: Novel Scintillator Materials (INFN - CNRS, USC) Task 2: Phoswich detectors (IFJ PAN - CSIC, TUM) Task 3: Hybrid arrays and their applications (UoY - CSIC)
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 17 JRAs JRA2-PSeGe: Position-Sensitive Germanium detectors for nuclear structure and applications Is focused on 3-dimensional position-sensitive Ge detectors dedicated to nuclear structure and applications in imaging. Task 1: New technologies on passivation and segmentation (INFN) Task 2: R&D on novel Ge-detector geometries for ultimate position resolution and efficiency (GSI) Task 3: R&D on segmented p-type coaxial detectors (CSIC) Task 4: Network activity: Demonstration of imaging applications and associated detector technologies (ULIV) Subtask 4.1: Demonstration of imaging applications Subtask 4.2: Detector encapsulation techniques Subtask 4.3: Low-power pre-amplifiers & cryostat R&D / BSD, HV, LV distribution Subtask 4.4: Pulse-Shape Analysis and neutron-gamma discrimination
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 18 JRAs JRA3-TheoS: Theoretical Support for nuclear facilities in Europe - Nuclear Structure & Reactions Is a theory support activity to experiments in nuclear structure and reactions. Task 1: Description of the structure of stable and exotic nuclei with beyond-mean-field (BMF) approaches (INFN) Subtask 1.1: Development of suitable effective interactions in mean-field and BMF theories (CNRS) Subtask 1.2: Fingerprint of correlations in BMF approaches (UMIL) Subtask 1.3: Improvement of BMF theory for small- and large-amplitude collective motion and dissipative aspects of nuclear dynamics (INFN) Task 2: Calculate reaction observables to compare state-of-the-art structure models with novel experimental data in exotic nuclei (USE) Subtask 2.1: Development of new reaction formalisms (ULB) Subtask 2.2: Improvement of the interface between nuclear structure and nuclear reactions (USE)
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 19 JRAs JRA4-RESIST: RESonance laser Ionisation Techniques for separators Develops resonance laser ionisation techniques for the production of high-purity beams of radioactive ions. Task 1: Pre-LIST techniques to enhance ion-beam purity (CERN – JOGU Mainz, KU Leuven, JYU, GANIL, INFN) Task 2: Advancements in efficiency, selectivity and spectral resolution (KU Leuven – GSI, JYU, GANIL, JOGU Mainz, CERN) Task 3: New concepts and development of laser technologies (JOGU Mainz – CERN, JYU, KU Leuven, CNRS, INFN)
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 20 JRAs JRA5-SATNuRSE: Simulations and Analysis Tools for Nuclear Reactions and Structure in Europe Is devoted to simulations, developments of analysis tools and data management. Task 1: Development, benchmarking and validation of physics models and event generators (CEA – CIEMAT, JLU, IFIC) Task 2: Development of analysis tools (USC - FFCUL, RUG) Task 3: Data management protocol (RUG) Task 4: Dissemination of knowledge and workshop organisation (RUG - CIEMAT, IFIC, USC, FFCUL, JLU)
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 21 JRAs JRA6-EURISOL facility (all stages) Develops techniques and tools for current and future ISOL facilities, such as charge breeders, beam production and a dissemination tool to inform the community on available beams and intensities. Task 1: Electron-Beam Ion Breeder – EBIB (CERN - CERN, GANIL, UNIWARSAW) Task 2: Development of chemically reactive nuclear beams - BEAMLAB (CNRS - CERN, GANIL, IFJ PAN, INFN, CNRS) Subtask 2.1: Efficient ion sources for difficult ISOL beams Subtask 2.2: Material compatibility in reactive gas atmospheres Subtask 2.3: New molecular beams Subtask 2.4: Specific target designs for non-volatile elements Task 3: Chart of Radioactive Ion Beams in Europe – CRIBE (GANIL - IFJ PAN) Task 4: Structuring the Community – STUC (INFN - All) N.B. This has been moved to NuSPRA(SEN).
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 22 JRAs JRA7-TecHIBA: Technologies for High Intensity Beams and Applications Aims at accelerator and instrumentation developments in the framework of high-intensity beams. Task 1: Improvement of Superconducting Accelerating Cavities (CNRS - CEA) Task 2: Radio-Isotopes for Therapy and Medical Imaging (CERN, ILL - GANIL, UNIWARSAW, GIP ARRONAX, CNRS) Subtask 2.1: Dedicated collection chamber to improve 149 Tb, 211 At and 225 Ac supply from ISOLDE Subtask 2.2: Improved 211 At production Subtask 2.3: Matched pair of scandium isotopes for Theranostics (therapeutic-diagnostic) Task 3: NEW Detection Opportunities for Magnetic Spectrometers – NEWDOMS (INFN - CNRS, IFIN-HH, Univ. Valencia) Task4: Identification of Low-Energy Radioactive Ions (CEA - GANIL, CSIC, CNRS, UNIWARSAW, MTA Atomki, Univ. Uppsala, USE) Task 5: Generic Electronics Systems (CEA - GANIL, CNRS) Task 6: TecHIBA coordination (CNRS - All)
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany 23 Thank you for your attention
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany HISPEC/DESPEC - foreseen instrumentation HISPEC AGATA gamma-tracking spectrometer AGATA gamma-tracking spectrometer LYCCA heavy-ion calorimeter with ToF capability LYCCA heavy-ion calorimeter with ToF capability Plunger nuclear level lifetime measurements Plunger nuclear level lifetime measurements MINOS Proton target MINOS Proton target NEDA Neutron detector array NEDA Neutron detector array HYDE light charged-particle array HYDE light charged-particle arrayDESPEC AIDA active implantation device AIDA active implantation device MONSTER neutron ToF array MONSTER neutron ToF array BELEN neutron detection array BELEN neutron detection array DTAS Decay Total Absorption Spectrometer DTAS Decay Total Absorption Spectrometer DEGAS Ge Array gamma spectrometer DEGAS Ge Array gamma spectrometer FATIMA Fast TIMing Array FATIMA Fast TIMing Array LYCCA
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany Existing research opportunities at GSI …evolving towards NUSTAR@FAIR! SIS FRS ESR Ground state properties inverse reactions Decay studies, In-beam spectroscopy LAND-R3B Reaction studies production and separation of exotic nuclei RISING - PRESPEC
NuPECC Strategy Meeting, 16 January 2016; Darmstadt, Germany Production target ILIMA R3BR3B HISPEC/DESPEC MATS & LaSpec Super-FRS Rich programme with approximately 2000 h beam time for NUSTAR experiments per year! Pre-separator Main separator Ring branch High-energy branch Low-energy branch Energy-buncher/ spectrometer NUSTAR experimental areas
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