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Why are Croatian Higher Education Institutions Present on Social Networks? Kruno Golubić / University Computing Centre / University of Zagreb

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Presentation on theme: "Why are Croatian Higher Education Institutions Present on Social Networks? Kruno Golubić / University Computing Centre / University of Zagreb"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why are Croatian Higher Education Institutions Present on Social Networks? Kruno Golubić / University Computing Centre / University of Zagreb Mihaela Banek Zorica/ Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / University of Zagreb

2 Agenda Introduction Research Findings Content selection Presence on social networks Marketing activities and fulfilment of goals Communication over social networks Opinions and views on social networks Conclusion 12.11.2015. INFuture2015: e-Institutions – Openness, Accessibility, and Preservation 2

3 Introduction Croatian higher education institutions have increasingly started to accept social networks Reasons why higher education institutions are present on social networks Insight into institutions’ views and opinions about social networks Benefits that their usage brings them 12.11.2015. INFuture2015: e-Institutions – Openness, Accessibility, and Preservation 3

4 Research On-line survey had five main sections General data Presence on social networks Marketing activities and fulfilment of goals Communication over social networks Opinions and views about social networks 12.11.2015. INFuture2015: e-Institutions – Openness, Accessibility, and Preservation 4

5 Findings Out of the 53 invited institutions, 30 of them are publicly funded (54%) and 23 are privately funded (46%) institutions Survey’s response rate was 45% (N=24) Most of the surveys (N=22) were filed out by one of the institution’s employees 12.11.2015. INFuture2015: e-Institutions – Openness, Accessibility, and Preservation 5

6 Findings: Content selection Number of people in chargeNumber of institutions 18 26 3 to 5 10 6 or more0 12.11.2015. INFuture2015: e-Institutions – Openness, Accessibility, and Preservation 6 Number of people in charge for the presence on social networks Existence of rulesNumber of institutions There are clear rules that define types of content to be published on social networks 13 Content is generated based on information published on institution’s web page 21 Employees provide content for publishing18 Students provide content for publishing14 I don’t know0 Rules and content guidelines

7 Findings: Presence on social networks 12.11.2015. INFuture2015: e-Institutions – Openness, Accessibility, and Preservation 7 YearNumber of institutions 20133 20127 20113 20103 20093 20081 I don’t know4 Presence of institution on social networks Social networkNumber of institutions Facebook24 Twitter16 YouTube19 LinkedIn12 Google+7 Tumblr0 Instagram4 Flickr1 Vimeo6 I’m not sure0 Some other social networks0 Presence on social networks

8 Findings: Marketing activities and fulfilment of goals 13 institutions have advertised on social networks Privately funded institutions (N=9) are majority of institutions that have advertised on social networks institutions are satisfied with their advertising activities advertising over social networks brings benefits to institutions 12.11.2015. INFuture2015: e-Institutions – Openness, Accessibility, and Preservation 8 Advertising goalNumber of institutions Attracting students to institution13 Find associates for projects3 Present work results of institution9 Increase recognisability of institution11 Increase visibility in local community7 Other goals2 I don’t know0 Advertising goals Fulfilment of advertising goals Number of institutions All goals were accomplished3 Larger portion of goals was accomplished 9 Smaller portion of goals was accomplished 1

9 Findings: Communication over social networks Private communication with certain groupNumber of institutions Communication with students2 Communication with employees and associates1 Communication with students, employees and associates1 There is no private communication over social networks9 Formal communication via social networks is the weakest link in the institutions’ presence on social networks Lack of formal communication lies in the fact that it is hard to prove someone’s identity while communicating via social networks 12.11.2015. INFuture2015: e-Institutions – Openness, Accessibility, and Preservation 9 Use of social networks for communication

10 Findings: Opinions and views on social networks Rating on Likert scale and number of responses Statement12345 My institution has benefits from presence on social networks166200 My institution has official communication strategy49641 Management of my institution supports presence on social networks138300 Due to presence on social networks my institutions is more successful at attracting new students 514500 Due to presence on social networks my institution is more successful at finding new associates for projects 251430 Due to social networks it is easier for my institution to present result of its work 811500 Due to presence on social networks my institution is more recognisable and visible in local community 612510 12.11.2015. INFuture2015: e-Institutions – Openness, Accessibility, and Preservation 10 Strongly agree (1) | Agree (2) | Neither agree nor disagree (3) | Disagree (4) | Strongly disagree (5)

11 Conclusion Institutions’ managements are supporting presence on social networks considerable human resources are dedicated to this task Content published on social networks is gathered from different sources Important role in content gathering belongs to the staff members and students that provide content for publishing There are many benefits for institutions that use social networks Those benefits are not limited only to institutions that use social networks for marketing activities 12.11.2015. INFuture2015: e-Institutions – Openness, Accessibility, and Preservation 11

12 Thank you! 12.11.2015. INFuture2015: e-Institutions – Openness, Accessibility, and Preservation 12

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