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Restricted Use Recordkeeping Survey MSU Pesticide Education Program 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Restricted Use Recordkeeping Survey MSU Pesticide Education Program 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Restricted Use Recordkeeping Survey MSU Pesticide Education Program 2010

2 What type of applicator are you? 1. Private (Farm) 2. Commercial/Government 3. Not certified 0 of 32

3 Do you record your restricted use pesticide applications within 2 weeks of application? 0 of 32 1. Yes 2. No 3. Sometimes 4. Don’t apply restricted use pesticides

4  Over ½ of all respondents indicated they did not record all pesticide applications within 2 weeks of pesticide application. Compare yourself to 2009 Surveys

5 Why don’t you record your restricted use pesticide (RUP) applications? 1. I do record all of my RUP applications 2. No time 3. I didn’t know I had to 4. Not enforced anyway 5. I forget 6. Other 0 of 32

6  Of those that did not record their RUR applications, 31% indicated forgetting to record applications, while 18% indicated they did not know they had to.  Many individuals indicating ‘other’ expressed it was a combination of factors: usually including no time initially, combined with forgetting a few weeks later. Compare yourself to 2009 Surveys

7 Do/would you find it useful to have a history of your pesticide applications. 1. Yes 2. No (waste of time) 0 of 32

8  Eighty nine percent of all respondents would find it useful to have a history of their pesticide applications.  By recording applications applicators may track their pesticide’s efficacy, resistance, and mode of actions which may be helpful in future management decisions. Compare yourself to 2009 Surveys

9 How could the USDA Restricted Use Recordkeeping Program be improved? 1. Less time consuming to record applications 2. More education on how to record applications properly 3. More enforcement 4. Create more useful tools for recording applications. 5. Get rid of the program (waste of time) 6. No improvement necessary 7. Other

10  1 in 4 applicators indicated no improvements were necessary.  1 in 5 applicators indicated the USDA should create more useful tools for recording applications.  21% of applicators surveyed indicated they would benefit if recording applications was less time consuming, while 22% of applicators surveyed indicated more education was needed. Compare yourself to 2009 Surveys

11 Thanks for taking this survey! For further information regarding statewide survey results contact: MSU PEP Cecil Tharp, 119 Linfield Hall MSU Bozeman, MT 59717

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