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Pesticide Use --- Records and Reports As the old saying goes – “No job is done till the paperwork is done”

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Presentation on theme: "Pesticide Use --- Records and Reports As the old saying goes – “No job is done till the paperwork is done”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pesticide Use --- Records and Reports As the old saying goes – “No job is done till the paperwork is done”

2 Federal requirements Restricted-use pesticides To purchase you will need your RUP Applicator Card Required to keep a record of what product, how much used, where and when for 2 years The good news is that we do not use (m)any RUPs

3 Certified Pesticide Applicator Card

4 Federal requirements Non-Restricted-use pesticides No federal (FIFRA) requirements to fulfill However, there is a bit of FS paperwork FS 2100-2 Proposal of the use of pesticides FS 2100- Project pesticide use report FS 2100-1 Annual pesticide use report

5 FS 2100-2: Pesticide Use Proposal

6 R8 2100-1: Pesticide treatment and evaluation report

7 Annual Pesticide-use Report (formerly FS 2100-1)

8 Annual Pesticide-use Report (or a different view / screen)

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