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Chapter 24-24 Review Play this with a partner. Ulysses S. Grant Boss Tweed Credit Mobilier Scandal Gilded Age Compromise of 1877 Civil Rights Acts of.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 24-24 Review Play this with a partner. Ulysses S. Grant Boss Tweed Credit Mobilier Scandal Gilded Age Compromise of 1877 Civil Rights Acts of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 24-24 Review Play this with a partner

2 Ulysses S. Grant Boss Tweed Credit Mobilier Scandal Gilded Age Compromise of 1877 Civil Rights Acts of 1875 Jim Crow Laws Plessy v. Ferguson Chinese Exclusion Act James A. Garfield Grover Cleveland

3 Transcontinental Railroad Chinese and Irish workers Leland Stanford Stockwatering Interstate Commerce Act Alexander Graham Bell Thomas Edison Andrew Carnegie Vertical Integration John D. Rockefeller Horizontal Integration

4 The Bessemer Process Standard Oil Social Darwinism Gospel of Wealth Sherman Anti-trust Act The “New South” Knights of Labor Haymarket Square Incident American Federation of Labor

5 Tenements Boss The Social Gospel Jane Addams and Settlement Homes Nativists Booker T. Washington W.E.B Dubois Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst Ida B. Wells Woman’s Christian Temperance Movement Anti-Saloon League

6 Treaty of Fort Laramie Massacre at Sand Creek Colonel George Custer Buffalo Helen Hunt Jackson Dawes Severalty Act Carlisle Indian School Homestead Act of 1862 John Wesley Powell Frederick Jackson Turner National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry Wabash Decisions

7 Alfred Thayer Mahan U.S. take over of Hawai’I Queen Liliuokalani Yellow Journalism U.S.S. Maine Teller Amendment Emilio Aguinaldo Rough Riders Treaty of Paris White Man’s Burden Platt Amendment

8 “Benevolent Assimilation” Open Door Notes Boxer Rebellion Theodore Roosevelt Panama Canal Roosevelt Corollary Big Stick Policy Yellow Peril Gentleman’s Agreement

9 Progressiveuckraker Lincoln Steffen Ida B. Tarbell Robert M. Lafollette Triangle Shirtwaist Company Muller v. Oregon Square Deal Teddy arbitrates for the miners Elkin Act and Hepburn Act Upton Sinclair Meat Inspection Act Pure Food and Drug Act Dollar Diplomacy

10 Woodrow Wilson’s New Freedom Triple Wall of Privilege Underwood Tariff Bill Federal Reserve Act Federal Trade Commission Act Clayton Anti-trust Act Louis D. Brandeis Pancho Villa Central Powers Allies of WWI Lusitania, Arabic, and Sussex

11 Zimmerman Note Wilson’s 14 Points George Creel Espionage and Sedition Act Food Administration Fuel Administration Conscription Armistice Big Four Treaty of Versailles Henry Cabot Lodge

12 Red Scare Sacco and Vanzetti KKK Emergency Quota Act Immigrant Act of 1924 Prohibition Volstead Act Speakeasies Al Capone John T. Scopes

13 Model T Charles Lindbergh Radio Margaret Sanger Harlem Marcus Garvey Buying “on margin”

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