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Ch. 16- Section 1 End of the 19 th century- schools becoming more important in America One-room schoolhouses.

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1 Ch. 16- Section 1 End of the 19 th century- schools becoming more important in America One-room schoolhouses

2 Ch. 16 Section 1 continued Society efficient when people can read and write 1870- 2%- 17-year olds graduated Farming- school- November to April 1900- 31 states required 8-14 year olds to attend school Literacy- people-read and write Assimilation- process-people one culture become part of another culture

3 Ch. 16 Section 1 continued Philanthropists- people- donations to worthy causes- private women’s colleges First- New York’s Vassar College-1865 African American Education- Booker T. Washington and WEB DuBois DuBois- 1905- Niagara Movement- African Americans- full civil liberties

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