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Title I Planning Meeting One November 18, 2014. How are Title I funds being used? The majority of the funding was spent on personnel personnel. Title.

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Presentation on theme: "Title I Planning Meeting One November 18, 2014. How are Title I funds being used? The majority of the funding was spent on personnel personnel. Title."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title I Planning Meeting One November 18, 2014

2 How are Title I funds being used? The majority of the funding was spent on personnel personnel. Title I can pay only personnel who teach ELA and math, or are in charge of Technology or involved with leading our Parent involvement efforts.

3 Reform Strategies There are 11 Reform Strategies we must address in our Title I Planning process. The reform strategies address different areas that have been shown to bring improvement in school performance. RS 1- Teachers to reduce class size RS 2- Extended times like after school and summer school RS 3- Supplies for reading and math and funds for instructional interventionists RS 4- Highly Qualified

4 Reform Strategies There are 11 Reform Strategies we must address in our Title I Planning process. The reform strategies address different areas that have been shown to bring improvement in school performance. RS 5- Instructional coaches and professional development RS 6- Attracting and keeping the best teachers RS 7- Parent Involvement RS 8- Transitions from 5K RS 9- Involving teachers in decisions about using assessment data to improve student achievement

5 Reform Strategies There are 11 Reform Strategies we must address in our Title I Planning process. The reform strategies address different areas that have been shown to bring improvement in school performance. RS 10- Timely assistance for students experiencing difficulty RS 11- Integration of funds to accomplish the goal of educating children

6 Comprehensive Needs Assessment Multiple sources of data about programs at each campus Demographics Student achievement School culture and climate Staff retention and recruitment Curriculum, instruction and assessment Family and community involvement Technology

7 The Process of Writing the 2015-16 Title I Plan Review and study the data looking for strengths, weaknesses and trends. Revisit the ways we gather data such as surveys and assure that we are asking the right questions so that we can get the information we need to make informed decisions.

8 Evaluation of the 2014 Data forms the basis for our Needs Assessment Principal’s reports on their school data

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