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Early River Valley Civilizations

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1 Early River Valley Civilizations
WHI: SOL 3a-e Egypt Early River Valley Civilizations

2 On your map identify: Egypt Israelites Tigris River Mesopotamia
Euphrates River Nile River Red Sea Persian Gulf Arabian Sea Mediterranean Sea Black Sea Caspian Sea Sahara Desert Arabian Desert Fertile Crescent Egypt Israelites Mesopotamia Sumer Phoenicians Nubia (Kush)


4 Egypt (Social) Pharaoh, Royal family Aristocrats (nobles)
Vizier- Chief minister, supervised the gov’t. Merchants, artisans, soldiers, scribes Peasants Slaves (Prisoners of war, debtors- people who owe money, and criminals)


6 Egypt (Political) Pharaoh-king, thought to be one of the gods, but also humans Hereditary rule- power passes from father to son, remains within family Pharaoh had control of the entire Egyptian kingdom (upper and lower Egypt) Hatshepsut Thutmose III Ramses II Bureaucracy-a system of gov’t. that includes departments and levels of authority


8 Egypt (Economic) Farming Trading Conquering (New Kingdom)

9 Egypt (Religious) Polytheistic Afterlife Pharaoh as a god
Mummification- preservation of dead bodies for burial

10 Egypt (Achievements) Built the pyramids, Sphinx, etc.
Hieroglyphics- sys tem of writing based on pictograms (pictures for ideas or words) Rosetta Stone Mummification Advanced society Math and astronomy Medicine

11 Nubia 2700 b.c. Nubia, also known as Kush, flourished south of Egypt
Traded with Egypt Competition for control of trade led to invasions on conquering of one another Exchange of culture Meroe- capital city, center of trade Traded ivory, gold, animal skins, perfume, iron, along the east-west Saharan trade routes Alphabet has not been deciphered


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