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My Rows and Piles of Coins

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Presentation on theme: "My Rows and Piles of Coins"— Presentation transcript:

1 My Rows and Piles of Coins
Author: Tololwa M. Mollel Illustrator: E.B. Lewis Genre: Realistic Fiction Skill: Character & Setting Author’s Purpose: ??? PowerPoint by: Michelle Harding - Fairhope Elementary School

2 Words to Know arranged wobbled unwrapped excitedly dangerously steady
Bundles errands

3 More Words to Know astonishment great surprise - sudden wonder - amazement confident firmly believing – certain - sure scoffed made fun of something to show you do not believe or respect it

4 put things in a certain order
arranged put things in a certain order

5 things tied or wrapped together
bundles things tied or wrapped together bundles of hundred dollar bills bundles of hay bundles of chives

6 dangerously not safely

7 short trips that you take to do something
errands short trips that you take to do something Grocery shopping Returning library books Getting money from the ATM Getting gas

8 with strong, lively feelings
excitedly with strong, lively feelings

9 steady firmly fixed

10 unwrapped opened

11 moved unsteadily from side to side; shook
wobbled moved unsteadily from side to side; shook A seismograph is an instrument used for recording the intensity and duration of an earthquake. Earthquakes can cause buildings on the ground to wobble. A strong earthquake can even cause Earth to wobble slightly on its axis.

12 Ivy held the ladder steady so CJ could climb up.
arranged bundles dangerously errands excitedly steady unwrapped wobbled

13 Ivy held the ladder steady so CJ could climb up.

14 Cole wobbled often when he first learned to ride a bike.
arranged bundles dangerously errands excitedly steady unwrapped wobbled

15 Cole wobbled often when he first learned to ride a bike.

16 Deja unwrapped some of her birthday presents last weekend.
arranged bundles dangerously errands excitedly steady unwrapped wobbled

17 Deja unwrapped some of her birthday presents last weekend.

18 Susie had a few errands to do while her daughters were in school.
arranged bundles dangerously errands excitedly steady unwrapped wobbled

19 Susie had a few errands to do while her daughters were in school.

20 Yves gathered several bundles of hay to feed the horses.
arranged bundles dangerously errands excitedly steady unwrapped wobbled

21 Yves gathered several bundles of hay to feed the horses.

22 The third grader came dangerously close to spilling his fruzer as he ran down the hall.
arranged bundles dangerously errands excitedly steady unwrapped wobbled

23 The third grader came dangerously close to spilling his fruzer as he ran down the hall.

24 TJ arranged the coins according to their value.
arranged bundles dangerously errands excitedly steady unwrapped wobbled

25 TJ arranged the coins according to their value.

26 Noah jumped around excitedly when his dad arrived home from a long trip.
arranged bundles dangerously errands excitedly steady unwrapped wobbled

27 Noah jumped around excitedly when his dad arrived home from a long trip.

28 Let’s review our words. LISTEN for the vow el sounds syl la ble . in each

29 arranged ar ranged ar ranged

30 bundles bun dles bun dles

31 dangerously dan ger ous ly dan ger ous ly

32 errands er rands er rands

33 excitedly ex cit ed ly ex cit ed ly

34 unwrapped un wrapped un wrapped

35 wobbled wob bled wob bled

36 steady stead y stead y

37 Great Work!

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