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Kinetic Theory for Gases and Plasmas: Lecture 2: Plasma Kinetics

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1 Kinetic Theory for Gases and Plasmas: Lecture 2: Plasma Kinetics
Russel Caflisch IPAM Mathematics Department, UCLA IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

2 Review of First Lecture
Velocity distribution function Molecular chaos Boltzmann equation H-theorem (entropy) Maxwellian equilibrium Fluid dynamic limit DSMC DSMC becomes computationally intractable near fluid regime, since collision time-scale becomes small IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

3 Where are collisions signifiant in plasmas
Where are collisions signifiant in plasmas? Example: Tokamak edge boundary layer Temp. (eV) 1000 500 R (cm) Schematic views of divertor tokamak and edge-plasma region (magnetic separatrix is the red line and the black boundaries indicate the shape of magnetic flux surfaces) Edge pedestal temperature profile near the edge of an H-mode discharge in the DIII-D tokamak. [Porter2000]. Pedestal is shaded region. From G. W. Hammett, review talk 2007 APS Div Plasmas Physics Annual Meeting, Orlando, Nov IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

4 Basics of mathematical (classical) plasma physics
IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

5 Gas or Plasma Flow: Kinetic vs. Fluid
Kinetic description Discrete particles Motion by particle velocity Interact through collisions Fluid (continuum) description Density, velocity, temperature Evolution following fluid eqtns (Euler or Navier-Stokes or MHD) When does continuum description fail? IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

6 Debye Length Charged particles rather than neutrals Electrons: e-
FACM 2010

7 Debye Length Quasi-neutrality: nearly equal number of oppositely charged particles Electrons: e Ions: H+ FACM 2010

8 Debye Length Pick out a distinguished particle Electrons: e- Ions: H+
FACM 2010

9 Debye Length Debye length = range of influence, e.g., for single electron λD Electrons: e Ions: H+ FACM 2010

10 Debye Length In neighborhood of an electron there is deficit of other electrons, suplus of positive ions Electrons: e Ions: H+ FACM 2010

11 Debye Length Replace positive charged particles by continuum, for simplicity Electrons: e ; test particle ; Ions: smoothed FACM 2010

12 Debye Length: Derivation
Distribution of electrons and ions charge q; temperature T; dielectric coeff ε0; potential φ, energy is -q φ electrons in Gibbs distribution (in space) Uniform ions distribution Poisson equation (linearized) Single electron at 0 Solution With length scale λD = Debye length: FACM 2010

13 Interactions of Charged Particles in a Plasma
Plasma parameter g = (n λD3)-1 Plasma approximation g<<1 Many particles in a Debye sphere Otherwise, the system is an N-body problem Long range interactions r > λD (λD = Debye length) Individual particle interactions are not significant Interaction mediated by electric and magnetic fields Short range interactions r < λD Coulomb interactions FACM 2010

14 Levels of Description Magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) equations
Equilibrium Continuum Vlasov-Maxwell equations Nonequilibrium No collisions Landau-Fokker-Planck equations Collisions IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

15 MHD Equations Fluid equations with Lorenz force Ohm’s law
Maxwell’s equations IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

16 Plasma kinetics IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

17 Velocity distribution function
Vlasov Equations Velocity distribution function for each species Convection Lorentz force Collisionless m=mass, q=charge IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

18 Landau Fokker Planck Equation
Velocity distribution function for each species Convection Electromotive force Collisions m=mass, q=charge IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

19 Coulomb Collisions Collision of 2 charged particles (i=1,2) with
Position xi, mass mi, charge qi has solution in which (r,θ) are polar coordinates for x1-x2 v0 is incoming relative velocity, b is impact parameter IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

20 Derivation of Fokker-Planck Eqtn
Binary Coulomb collision (with m1=m2, q1=q2) relative velocity v0 , displacement b before collision deflection angle θ scattering cross section (Rutherford) θ v0 b IPAM 31 March 2009

21 Landau-Fokker-Planck equation for collisions
Coulomb interactions collision rate ≈ u-3 for two particles with relative velocity u Fokker-Planck equation IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

22 Derivation of Fokker-Planck Eqtn
Coulomb collisions are predominantly grazing Differential collision rate is singular at θ≈0 since Total collision rate Aggregate effect of the collisions measured by the momentum transfer, is integrand is only marginally singular IPAM 31 March 2009

23 Derivation of Fokker-Planck Eqtn
Debye cutoff Screened potential is Approximate the effect of screening by cutoff in angle Cross section for momentum transfer is Corresponding Boltzmann collision operator Qλhas collision rate IPAM 31 March 2009

24 Derivation of Fokker-Planck Eqtn
Analysis of Alexandre & Villani “On the Landau approximation in plasma physics” Ann. I. H. Poincaré – AN 21 (2004) 61–95. Boltzmann eqtn without Lorentz force Rescale (x,t) → (c/log Λ) (x’,t’) and drop ’, to obtain As Λ→∞, total angular cross section for momentum transfer goes to c|v-w|-3 all collisions become grazing collisions the scaled Boltzmann collision operator converges to the Landau-Fokker –Planck collision operator IPAM 31 March 2009

25 Derivation of Fokker-Planck Eqtn
Scaling of Alexandre & Villani They find that the relevant time scale T and space scale X are is On this time and space scale, they prove that solution of the Boltzmann equation (without Lorentz force) converges to a solution of the LFP equation IPAM 31 March 2009

26 Derivation of Fokker-Planck Eqtn
Scaling difficulty Alexandre and Villani are unable to find a scaling such that both the LFP collision operator and the Lorentz force terms are significant On a scale for which the Lorentz force is O(1), the collision term is insignificant IPAM 31 March 2009

27 Collisions in Gases vs. Plasmas
Collisions between velocities v and v* Gas collisions hard spheres, σ = cross section area of sphere collision rate is σ | v - v* | any two velocities can collide → smoothing in v Plasma (Coulomb) collisions very long range, potential O(1/r) collisions are grazing, localized as in Landau eqtn Collision rate | v - v* |-3 small for well separated velocities differential eqtn in v, as well as x,t waves in phase space Landau damping (interaction between waves and particles) IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

28 Comparison F-P to Boltzmann
collisions are single physical collisions total collision rate for velocity v is ∫|v-v’| σ(|v-v’| ) f(v’) dv’ FP actual collision rate is infinite due to long range interactions: σ = (sin θ)-4 FP “collisions” are each aggregation of many small deflections described as drift and diffusion in velocity space IPAM 31 March 2009

29 Simulation methods IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

30 Monte Carlo Particle Methods for Coulomb Interactions
Particle-field representation Mannheimer, Lampe & Joyce, JCP 138 (1997) Particles feel drag from Fd = -fd (v)v and diffusion of strength σ = σ(D) numerical solution of SDE, with Milstein correction Lemons et al., J Comp Phys 2008 Particle-particle representation Takizuka & Abe, JCP 25 (1977), Nanbu. Phys. Rev. E. 55 (1997) Bobylev & Nanbu Phys. Rev. E. 61 (2000) Binary particle “collisions”, from collision integral interpretation of FP equation IPAM 31 March 2009

31 Binary Collision Methods for LFP
Bobylev-Nanbu (PRE 2000) Implicit-like transformation of LFP over a single time step Expansion of scattering operator in spherical harmonics Approximation at O(Δt) with tractable binary collision interpretation Resulting binary collisions Every particle collides once per time step Collisions depend on Δt IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

32 Bobylev-Nanbu Analysis
Boltzmann eqtn, as scattering operator in which IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

33 Implicit-like transformation
First order approximation “Implicit” approximation Optimal choice of ε Result Every particle collides once in every time step IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

34 Transformation to Tractable Binary Form
Implicit-like formulation with (for Landau-Fokker-Planck) D is an expansion in Legendre polynomials in |u| u·n D can be greatly simplified by approximation at O(Δt) IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

35 Takizuka & Abe Method T. Takizuka & H. Abe, J. Comp. Phys. 25 (1977).
T & A binary collision model is equivalent to the collision term in Landau-Fokker-Planck equation The scattering angle θ is chosen randomly from a Gaussian random variable δ δ has mean 0 and variance Parameters Log Λ = Coulomb logarithm u = relative velocity Simulation Every particle collides once in each time interval Scattering angle depends on dt cf. DSMC for RGD: each particle has physical number of collisions Implemented in ICEPIC by Birdsall, Cohen and Proccaccia Numerical convergence analysis by Wang, REC, etal. (2007) O(dt1/2). IPAM 31 March 2009

36 Nanbu’s Method Combine many small-angle collisions into one aggregate collision K. Nanbu. Phys. Rev. E. 55 (1997) Scattering in time step dt χN = cumulative scattering angle after N collisions N-independent scattering parameter s Aggregation is only for collisions between two given particle velocities Steps to compute cumulative scattering angle: At the beginning of the time step, calculate s Determine A from Probability that postcollison relative velocity is scattered into dΩ is Implemented in ICEPIC by Wang & REC -- simulation - theory IPAM 31 March 2009

37 Simulation for Plasmas: Test Cases
Relaxation of an anisotropic Maxwellian Bump-on-tail Sheath Two stream instability Computations using Nanbu’s method and hybrid method IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

38 Numerical Test Case: Relaxation of Anisotropic Distribution
Specification Initial distribution is Maxwellian with anisotropic temperature Single collision type: electron-electron (e-e) or electron-ion (e-i). Spatially homogeneous. The figure at right shows the time relaxation of parallel and transverse temperatures. All reported results are for e-e; similar results for e-i. Approximate analytic solution of Trubnikov (1965). IPAM 31 March 2009

39 Hybrid Method for Bump-on-Tail
FACM 2010

40 Hybrid Method Using Fluid Solver
Improved method for spatial inhomogeneities Combines fluid solver with hybrid method previous results used Boltzmann type fluid solver Euler equations with source and sink terms from therm/detherm application to electron sheath (below) potential (left), electric field (right) FACM 2010

41 Conclusions and Prospects
Landau Fokker Planck collision operator Infinite rate of grazing interactions → finite rate of aggregate collisions Monte Carlo simulation methods for kinetics have trouble in the fluid and near-fluid regime Math leading to new methods that are robust in fluid limit IPAM Plasma Tutorials 2012

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