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By Ford Minaghan. Google Google Drive=My Best Friend Great way to work on group projects Enables me to store important documents online Access them from.

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Presentation on theme: "By Ford Minaghan. Google Google Drive=My Best Friend Great way to work on group projects Enables me to store important documents online Access them from."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Ford Minaghan

2 Google Google Drive=My Best Friend Great way to work on group projects Enables me to store important documents online Access them from anywhere with internet access

3 Internet Safety Use a complex password Change password often Useful to prevent identity theft Don not communicate with people in chat rooms

4 Word Using the right font can make a big difference Align your text to make it look neat Good tool to know for creating memos/other business documents

5 Excel The click and drag to copy can save tons of time Great for statistical analysis I used the skills I learned in excel in my Bio-Med Class

6 PowerPoint Use the appropriate transitions/animations to make your PowerPoint professional looking “Start on previous” is your friend Useful for reducing the amount of clicks for my bio-med PowerPoint Link to BioMed Website- http://oprfhsbiomedicalr RBI+Assignments http://oprfhsbiomedicalr RBI+Assignments

7 Advice Pay attention to the instructions step by step so u don’t have to go back to correct your mistakes Teach yourself to pay attention to detail

8 Why take the Class? The things you learn in this class will help you in the future I found these programs very intuitive and its easy to memorize with practice I wont ever forget the tricks I learned. This class made me a more efficient at the basic programs that every business uses and needs

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