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Professional Learning Community WELCOME! Thursday November 19, 2015 Are We Making A Difference In Students’ Nutrition and Physical Activity Choices? Please.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Learning Community WELCOME! Thursday November 19, 2015 Are We Making A Difference In Students’ Nutrition and Physical Activity Choices? Please."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Learning Community WELCOME! Thursday November 19, 2015 Are We Making A Difference In Students’ Nutrition and Physical Activity Choices? Please call 510-670-7776 or call toll free 888-318-8188 to join the audio portion of the Webinar! Partner: California Department of Education Nutrition Services Division

2 Welcome & Overview

3 Please introduce yourself and give your After School Region and Program and … Bragging Rights …I am Most Proud About the Differences our program has made in ______(Nutrition and Physical Activity) Choices. Team Introductions

4 Why Is Evaluation Important? “Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted” Albert Einstein

5 What Have We Learned? 5 Leading Principles Healthy Snack Participation Student Nutrition and Physical Activity Behaviors

6 Leading Principle 3: Healthy Snack

7 TCHAS 3 Focus Areas

8 Healthy Classrooms, Healthy Schools Student Evaluations 2015 Sacramento Chinese Community Services Center Michigan Fitness Foundation April to June 2015 Nicholas Elementary (Grades 3 to 5, 59 students) Sierra View Elementary (Grades 3 to 4, 59 students)

9 Surveys – That’s Me! My Choices

10 Surveys – Physical Activity

11 TCHAS Nutrition and Physical Activity Behavior Change Results 2014-15

12 2015-16 Nutrition Education Evaluation Plan 1.Recruit TCHAS Programs to Participate in Student Surveys 2.200 Students 3.April to June 2016

13 Eating Healthy Farm to Fork and Nutrition to Grow On Anne Iaccopucci, University of California Cooperative Extension University of California, Davis

14 Questions or Suggestions?

15 Physical Activity Break Stretch “Brain Breaks”

16 Making a Difference How do you measure the differences TCHAS makes for Your Students, Staff, Families? Strategies that Work!

17 How Do You Share the Difference Your Program Makes? Can you think of one example of when you told a story or presented about Your Program’s Nutrition and Physical Activity Impact? ( Conversations with Principal, Parents, Staff, Family Night) What did you say about the difference you are making?

18 Chief Challenges What is your Most Urgent Concern, Problem, or Obstacle to Measuring Student Impact?

19 Proposed Solutions

20 Action Steps What Resources and Strategies are Most Important to Share from Today’s PLC?

21 Thank you! Thank you for all of Next PLC – December 17, 2015 from 11:00 to 12:30 Curriculum Orders PLC Topics – Survey Monkey Please e-mail Your Nutrition Plans to Jackie Russum -

22 Wishing You, Your Programs, and Families!

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