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Food Resources. Imbalance of world food supply There is enough food on the world to feed us all, however there is an imbalance in the food supply globally.

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Presentation on theme: "Food Resources. Imbalance of world food supply There is enough food on the world to feed us all, however there is an imbalance in the food supply globally."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Resources

2 Imbalance of world food supply There is enough food on the world to feed us all, however there is an imbalance in the food supply globally. Many people from the LEDCs are suffering from not getting enough energy, proteins and minerals. Around 3/4 of the world’s population is not eating enough and an average of 1 million are going hungry, the majority of these people live in the LEDCs. It is estimated that every 6 seconds a child dies of hunger. The price of food plays a major role here, if prices were to just increase by 10% it could lead to an increase of 40 million people in food poverty. However even though there is such a huge group of people in need of food there is a surplus of food in the MEDCs with markets producing too much food for the population.

3 This has lead to people in the MEDCs to consumer more food then they need as the MEDCs increased wealth has allowed them to buy more. In the LEDCs they make money for the country through food production, from crops such as sugar cane and tobacco. So they need this production for making money MEDCs increase import tariffs the LEDCs are in trouble. MEDCs want to make money from products in the country and not let the imported goods become the cheaper choice. Despite all this prices of food in the MEDCs is fairly expensive as seasonal foods have disappeared as imports fill gaps. The struggle in the LEDCs to make money has caused prices to rise, this makes it difficult for the population to afford local productions.

4 Climate changes have also affected the LEDCs Droughts reduce the amount of growing land. Global warming could lead to countries suffering from high temperatures which could destroy crops. As more land is used for settlement and industry, there is an increase in intensifying production on existing farm land. MEDCs food production is complex as it involves high levels of technology, low labor and high fuel costs. MEDCs have become more technocentric. Agriculture in the LEDCs have low levels of technology, lack of capital and high levels of labor

5 MEDCLEDC High food supplies for small population Cause problem such as obesity Low cost of food and all seasonal-supplies of food Low food supply for large population Cause problem such as malnutrition and under- nourishment Struggle to produce enough food and food price remain high In LEDC food production is used as a way to generate foreign currency however their farm produces are noncompetitive.

6 Aquatic vs. Terrestrial Efficiency of Food Production Systems

7 TerrestrialAquatic -Consume from lower trophic level e.g. cow/rice due to taste and cultural demand -Consume from higher trophic level e.g. salmon due to taste and cultural demand -Less efficiency-Higher efficiency however the available solar energy is slower due to reflection and absorption of light by water

8 Comparing Inputs/Outputs of Different Food Production Systems




12 Types of Farming




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