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Outline Time Derivatives & Vector Notation

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Presentation on theme: "Outline Time Derivatives & Vector Notation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Outline Time Derivatives & Vector Notation
Differential Equations of Continuity Momentum Transfer Equations

2 Lagrangian Perspective
z Lagrangian coordinate system Motion of a particle (fluid element) The position of the particle is relative to the position of an observer pathline 2 1 y x

3 Lagrangian Perspective
z Local time derivative pathline 2 1 Local spatial derivative y x

4 Lagrangian Perspective
Total differential/change for any property  Total time derivative

5 Lagrangian Perspective
Fluid velocity If the observer follows the fluid motion Substantial time derivative

6 Eulerian Perspective flow Motion of a fluid as a continuum
z Motion of a fluid as a continuum flow Fixed spatial position is being observed rather than the position of a moving fluid particle (x,y,z). y x

7 Equation of Continuity
differential control volume:

8 Differential Equation of Continuity

9 Differential Equation of Continuity
In cylindrical coordinates: If fluid is incompressible:

10 Equations of Motion Fluid is flowing in 3 directions
For 1D fluid flow, momentum transport occurs in 3 directions Momentum transport is fully defined by 3 equations of motion

11 Differential Equation of Motion

12 Differential Equation of Motion

13 Navier-Stokes Equations
Assumptions Newtonian fluid Obeys Stokes’ hypothesis Continuum Isotropic viscosity Constant density

14 Navier-Stokes Equations

15 Navier-Stokes Equations

16 Application The Navier-Stokes equations may be reduced using the following simplifying assumptions: Steady state flow

17 Application The Navier-Stokes equations may be reduced using the following simplifying assumptions: Unidirectional flow

18 Application The Navier-Stokes equations may be reduced using the following simplifying assumptions: No viscous dissipation (INVISCID FLOW) Euler’s equation

19 Application The Navier-Stokes equations may be reduced using the following simplifying assumptions: No external forces acting on the system Inviscid flow:

20 Application The Navier-Stokes equations may be reduced using the following simplifying assumptions: No external forces acting on the system Viscous flow:

21 Application The Navier-Stokes equations may be reduced using the following simplifying assumptions: Semi-infinite system

22 Application The Navier-Stokes equations may be reduced using the following simplifying assumptions: Laminar flow (no convective transport)

23 Application The Navier-Stokes equations may be reduced using the following simplifying assumptions: Laminar flow (no convective transport)

24 Quiz 9 – Derive the equation giving the velocity distribution at steady state for laminar, downward flow in a circular pipe of length L and diameter D. Neglect entrance and exit effects. TIME IS UP!!!

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