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Ralf I. Kaiser Department of Chemistry University of Hawai’i at Manoa Honolulu, HI 96822 Investigating the Chemical Dynamics.

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Presentation on theme: "Ralf I. Kaiser Department of Chemistry University of Hawai’i at Manoa Honolulu, HI 96822 Investigating the Chemical Dynamics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ralf I. Kaiser Department of Chemistry University of Hawai’i at Manoa Honolulu, HI 96822 Investigating the Chemical Dynamics of Bimolecular Reactions of Dicarbon and Tricarbon Molecules with Unsaturated Hydrocarbons

2 Introduction CH x C 2 H x C 3 H x C 4 H x C 5 H x

3 Objectives Investigate the Formation of Hydrogen-Deficient, Carbon-Bearing Molecules via Reactions of C 2 (X 1  g + /a 3  u ) and C 3 (X 1  g + ) with

4 Requirements 1.Preparation of Highly Reactive Reactants C 2 (X 1  g + /a 3  u ) and C 3 (X 1  g + ) 2. Identify Reaction Products and Infer Reaction Intermediates 3. Obtain Information on Energetics and Reaction Mechanisms ↓ Single Collision Conditions Crossed Molecular Beams Experiments

5 Crossed Molecular Beams Setup Main Chamber = 10 -9 torr Detector = 10 -11 - < 10 -12 torr 1. Hydrocarbon Free Requirements Oil Free Pumps (Maglev, Scroll, DryVac) 2. Extremely Low Pressures 3. Signal Maximization Copper Gaskets Cryo Cooling (LN2; Cold Heads) Sources Ionizer, QMS, Ion Counter

6 Crossed Molecular Beams Setup

7 Crossed Beams Experiment

8 Crossed Molecular Beams Experiments 72 - 175 kJmol -1 10 – 50 kJmol -1 peak collision energy 20 collision energies 14 9 labeling experiments 5 1,500 – 2,600 K 3,000 – 3,800 K

9 C 2 (X 1  g + /a 3  u ) + C 2 H 2 (X 1  g + ) TOF at m/z = 49 (C 4 H + ) and m/z = 48 (C 4 + ) superimposableC 4 H Isomer

10 C 2 (X 1  g + /a 3  u ) + C 2 H 2 (X 1  g + ) C 2 (X 1  g + ) + C 2 H 2 (X 1  g + )  C 4 H(X 2  + ) + H( 2 S 1/2 )  R G = - 33.3 kJmol -1 C 2 (a 3  u ) + C 2 H 2 (X 1  g + )  C 4 H(X 2  + ) + H( 2 S 1/2 )  R G = - 41.9 kJmol -1  R G (experimental) = - 40  5 kJmol -1

11 C 2 (X 1  g + /a 3  u ) + C 2 H 2 (X 1  g + ) 33  3 % indirect reaction mechanism(s) via C 4 H 2 complexe(s) 3 – 17 kJmol -1 one channel could have exit barrier

12 C 2 (X 1  g + /a 3  u ) + C 2 H 2 (X 1  g + ) intensity over complete angular rangeindirect reaction dynamics switch from forward to backward peaking as collision energy increases could suggest multiple reaction channels

13 productsreaction enthalpy, kJmol -1 C 4 H(X 2  + ) + H( 2 S 1/2 ) - 33 c-C 3 H 2 (X 1 A 1 ) + C( 3 P j )+ 152 C 4 (X 3  u ) + H 2 (X 1  g + ) -10 c-C 3 H(X 2 B 1 ) + CH(X 2   ) + 246 CH 2 (X 3 B 1 ) + C 3 (X 1  g + ) + 142 C 2 H(X 2  + ) + C 2 H(X 2  + ) + 68 C 2 (X 1  g + /a 3  u ) + C 2 H 2 (X 1  g + )

14 C 2 (X 1  g + ) + C 2 H 2 (X 1  g + ) forward-backward symmetric center-of-mass angular distributions

15 C 2 (X 1  g + /a 3  u ) + C 2 H 2 (X 1  g + ) 2. shallow potential energy wells - asymmetric center-of-mass angular distributions 3. switch from forward to backward - impact parameter dependence ? 1. exit barrier

16 Remaining Questions symmetry or long-lived can heavy isotopes induce ISC? C 2 D 2 (X 1  g + ) 13 C 2 H 2 (X 1  g + ) C 2 HD(X 1  + )

17 C 2 (X 1  g + /a 3  u ) + C 2 D 2 (X 1  g + )/ 13 C 2 H 2 (X 1  g + )/C 2 HD(X 1  + ) solely atomic hydrogen/deuterium loss pathwaysno induced ISC

18 C 2 (X 1  g + /a 3  u ) + C 2 D 2 (X 1  g + )/ 13 C 2 H 2 (X 1  g + )/C 2 HD(X 1  + ) E c = 29 kJmol -1 identical CM functions compared to non-labeled reactant long lived diacetylene intermediate no induced ISC HD 13

19 Summary C 2 (X 1  g + /a 3  u ) Reactions 1.identification of dicarbon vs. atomic hydrogen exchange pathway + CH 3 C 6 H 6 PES + C 5 H 5 JCP 113, 9622 (2000) JCP 113, 9637 (2000) JCP 115, 5107 (2001) C 10 H 8 PES

20 Summary C 2 (X 1  g + /a 3  u ) Reactions 2. i ndirect reaction dynamics via barrier less addition of dicarbon to the  -bond of the hydrocarbon yielding initially acyclic/cyclic collision complexes 3. reactions are exoergic 4. assignment of intermediates

21 Summary C 2 (X 1  g + /a 3  u ) Reactions

22 1.identification of tricarbon versus atomic/molecular hydrogen exchange Summary C 3 (X 1  g + ) Reactions + CH 3 C 6 H 6 PES + C 4 H 5 C 10 H 8 PES

23 Summary C 3 (X 1  g + ) Reactions 3. borderline of direct/i ndirect reaction dynamics via addition of tricarbon to the  -bond of the hydrocarbon 4. reactions are endo (acetylene) / exoergic 2. reactions have pronounced entrance barriers acetylene 95  20 ethylene 42  4 methylacetylene 42  6 allene 42  6 benzene in progress molecule entrance barrier E o, kJmol -1  (E) ~ [1- E o /E] 5. assignment of intermediates

24 Summary C 3 (X 1  g + ) Reactions

25 Summary 3. identification of building blocks and precursors to PAHs in combustion flames 1.conducted crossed beams experiments of dicarbon and tricarbon with small unsaturated hydrocarbons (10 – 175 kJmol -1 ) 2.inferred reaction dynamics and energetics of the reactions C 4 H x (x = 1 -4) C 5 H x (x = 1 - 4) C 6 H x (x = 3, 4) C 6 H 6 PES C 10 H 8 PES

26 Summary

27 Outlook I C4Hx 1234 C5Hx 1234 C6Hx 34 C4Hx 1234 C5Hx 1234 C6Hx 34 A Mechanism of Aromatics Formation and Growth in Laminar Premixed Acetylene and Ethylene Flames (Michael Frenklach) experiments suggest inclusion of distinct isomers and additional molecules

28 Outlook II soft electron impact ionization 1. Brink type ionizer made of Alloy 718 (Nickel Alloy w/o H 2 & CO outgassing; strongly reduced CO 2 background) 2. Thoriated Iridium vs LaB 6 Filament (1,600 K vs. 1,200 K ) 0.9 mA @ 8 eV

29 Acknowledgements Xibin Gu, Ying Guo, Fangtong Zhang (UH) Alexander M. Mebel (FIU)

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