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Existence of God Revision Lesson 2 Learning Objective: To apply our Existence of God revision to exam questions.

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1 Existence of God Revision Lesson 2 Learning Objective: To apply our Existence of God revision to exam questions.

2 Who’s that tweeting? I was finding my sheep when I saw a bush on fire but it wasn’t burning, what?!? #confused

3 Who’s that tweeting? I was finding my sheep when I saw a bush on fire but it wasn’t burning, what?!? #confused

4 Who’s that tweeting? @Aquinas is jumping to conclusions; God doesn’t have to be the first cause. #foolish

5 Who’s that tweeting? @Aquinas is jumping to conclusions; God doesn’t have to be the first cause. #foolish

6 Who’s that tweeting? My tour is a religious experience.

7 Who’s that tweeting? Lady Gaga My tour is a religious experience.

8 Who’s that tweeting? I was making a picture out of dominos, I knocked one and they all fell #onethingleadstoanother

9 Who’s that tweeting? I was making a picture out of dominos, I knocked one and they all fell #onethingleadstoanother Thomas Aquinas

10 Who’s that tweeting? Crikey I was stung by five box jellyfish and nearly died. wth!

11 Who’s that tweeting? Ian McCormack Crikey I was stung by five box jellyfish and nearly died. wth!

12 Who’s that tweeting? Walking along and found a watch. Looked pretty complex so I reckon someone must have designed it. #finderskeepers

13 Who’s that tweeting? William Paley Walking along and found a watch. Looked pretty complex so I reckon someone must have designed it. #finderskeepers

14 Who’s that tweeting? God spoke to me today and asked me to free the slaves from Egypt. #casual

15 Who’s that tweeting? Moses God spoke to me today and asked me to free the slaves from Egypt. #casual

16 Who’s that tweeting? Everything has a cause, yeah? #obvious

17 Who’s that tweeting? Thomas Aquinas Everything has a cause, yeah? #obvious

18 Who’s that tweeting? God told me to kill my son this morning #demanding. Be right back.

19 Who’s that tweeting? God told me to kill my son this morning #demanding. Be right back.

20 Strictly Come PEELing Each group is going to be given one exam question. In your group you need to plan how you would answer it. Then you need to choose one spokesperson to verbally answer the question in front of the class. Your answer will be scored out of 6 by a panel of judges. As you answer they will keep increasing your score if you are developing your points and adding new PEELs. You cannot sit down until you have a score of at least 5.

21 Exam Questions 1.‘Human beings cannot prove that God exists.’ Do you agree? 6 marks. 2.Explain the First Cause argument for the existence of God. 6 marks. 3.‘Agnostics should make their mind up about God’ Do you agree? 6 marks. 4.‘There is no point in trying to prove that God exists.’ Do you agree? 6 marks. 5.‘Arguments against the existence of God do not work.’ Do you agree? 6 marks. 6.Explain why some people believe that religious experiences prove that God exists. 6 marks.

22 Strictly Come PEELing ‘Human beings cannot prove that God exists.’ Do you agree? 6 marks.

23 Strictly Come PEELing Explain the First Cause argument for the existence of God. 6 marks.

24 Strictly Come PEELing ‘Agnostics should make their mind up about God’ Do you agree? 6 marks.

25 Strictly Come PEELing ‘There is no point in trying to prove that God exists.’ Do you agree? 6 marks.

26 Strictly Come PEELing ‘Arguments against the existence of God do not work.’ Do you agree? 6 marks.

27 Strictly Come PEELing Explain why some people believe that religious experiences prove that God exists. 6 marks.

28 Existence of God Quiz Which Philosopher are you? 1.What is a theist? 2.Who showed he had faith in God by being willing sacrifice his son? He did not need proof of God’s existence. 3.Name two philosophers who came up with the Design Argument. 4.Who said that if God exists, he must be a limited designer? 5.Who went from an atheist to a theist after having a vision of God when being stung by 5 box jellyfish? 6.What are Aquinas’ Three Ways in the First Cause Argument? 7.Give one argument against the existence of God. 8.According to the Design Argument, why must God exist? 9.Who is the first cause in the First Cause Argument and why? 10. What is the difference between faith and proof?

29 Existence of God Quiz Which Philosopher are you? 1.What is a theist? A = Someone who believes in God. 2.Who showed he had faith in God by being willing sacrifice his son? He did not need proof of God’s existence. A = Abraham. 3.Name two philosophers who came up with the Design Argument. A = William Paley and Thomas Aquinas. 4.Who said that if God exists, he must be a limited designer? A = David Hume 5.Who went from an atheist to a theist after having a vision of God when being stung by 5 box jellyfish? A= Ian McCormack

30 6. What are Aquinas’ Three Ways in the First Cause Argument? A= Cause, Motion and Existence 7.Give one argument against the existence of God. A= e.g. Natural disasters, scientific discoveries, evolution, big bang, evil and suffering. 8. According to the Design Argument, why must God exist? A = because the world is so complex and well balanced that it must have a designer, this designer is God. 9. Who is the first cause in the First Cause Argument and why? A= God is the first cause, as there has to be something that has always existed to make the universe come into existence. 10. What is the difference between faith and proof? A = faith is something you put your trust in, whereas proof is something you have evidence for. Existence of God Quiz Which Philosopher are you?

31 Which Philosopher are you? 8+ You are Thomas Aquinas 6-7 You are David Hume 4-5 You are William Paley 2-3 You are Abraham 1 You are Ian McCormack

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