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At what age can you get a part time job?. How old do you have to be to sign up to Facebook?

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Presentation on theme: "At what age can you get a part time job?. How old do you have to be to sign up to Facebook?"— Presentation transcript:

1 At what age can you get a part time job?

2 How old do you have to be to sign up to Facebook?

3 At what age are you legally responsible for your actions?

4 What age do you have to be to buy a Christmas cracker?

5 How old do you have to be to drink alcohol in your house?

6 How old do you have to be in the UK to give consent to have sex?

7 Consent Learning Objective: What does it mean to give consent?

8 What is consent? Write down what you think it means on your post it note. The Definition The age at which an individual can legally agree to have sex

9 Why do we have the age of consent? Some are not emotionally ready to engage in a sexual relationship. Others don’t feel confident or mature enough to say no. Protects young people from being sexually exploited by adults.

10 So what does consent actually mean? How can someone give consent? When is it not consent? e.g. Sound mind

11 Age and Consent 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11

12 Is consent the same everywhere? What is the age of consent in different countries? Afghanistan = 18 UK = 16 France = 15 Germany = 14 Spain = 13 Mexico = 12 Who has got it right?

13 Written Reflection Do you think the age of consent should be lowered?

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