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Analysis of Boolean Functions and Complexity Theory Economics Combinatorics Etc. Slides prepared with help of Ricky Rosen.

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1 Analysis of Boolean Functions and Complexity Theory Economics Combinatorics Etc. Slides prepared with help of Ricky Rosen

2 Introduction Objectives: Objectives: To introduce Analysis of Boolean Functions and some of its applications. To introduce Analysis of Boolean Functions and some of its applications. Overview: Overview: Basic definitions. Basic definitions. First passage percolation First passage percolation Mechanism design Mechanism design Graph property Graph property … And more… … And more…

3 Influential People The theory of the Influence of Variables on Boolean Functions [KKL,BL,R,M], has been introduced to tackle Social Choice problems and distributed computing. It has motivated a magnificent body of work, related to Sharp Threshold [F, FK] Percolation [BKS] Economics: Arrow’s Theorem [K] Hardness of Approximation [DS] Utilizing Harmonic Analysis of Boolean functions… And the real important question:

4 Where to go for Dinner? The alternatives Diners would cast their vote in an (electronic) envelope The system would decide – not necessarily according to majority… And what if someone (in Florida?) can flip some votes Power influence

5 Where to go for Dinner? The alternatives Diners would cast their vote in an (electronic) envelope The system would decide – not necessarily according to majority… And what if someone (in Florida?) can flip some votes Power influence

6 Where to go for Dinner? The alternatives Diners would cast their vote in an (electronic) envelope The system would decide – not necessarily according to majority… And what if someone (in Florida?) can flip some votes Power influence

7 Boolean Functions Def: A Boolean function Def: A Boolean function Power set of [n] Choose the location of -1 Choose a sequence of -1 and 1

8 Noise Sensitivity The values of the variables may each, independently, flip with probability The values of the variables may each, independently, flip with probability It turns out: one cannot design an f that would be robust to such noise --that is, would, on average, change value w.p. < O(1) -- unless determining the outcome according to very few of the voters It turns out: one cannot design an f that would be robust to such noise --that is, would, on average, change value w.p. < O(1) -- unless determining the outcome according to very few of the voters

9 1 -1 11111111111 Def: the influence of i on f is the probability, over a random input x, that f changes its value when i is flipped Def: the influence of i on f is the probability, over a random input x, that f changes its value when i is flipped Voting and influence

10 The influence of i on Majority is the probability, over a random input x, Majority changes with i The influence of i on Majority is the probability, over a random input x, Majority changes with i this happens when half of the n-1 coordinate (people) vote -1 and half vote 1. this happens when half of the n-1 coordinate (people) vote -1 and half vote 1. i.e. i.e. Majority :{1,-1} n  {1,-1} Majority :{1,-1} n  {1,-1} 1?11111111

11 Parity : {1,-1} n  {1,-1} Parity : {1,-1} n  {1,-1} Always changes the value of parity 11111111111

12 influence of i on Dictatorship i = 1. influence of i on Dictatorship i = 1. influence of j  i on Dictatorship i = 0. influence of j  i on Dictatorship i = 0. Dictatorship i :{1,-1} 20  {1,-1} Dictatorship i :{1,-1} 20  {1,-1} Dictatorship i (x)=x i Dictatorship i (x)=x i 11111111111

13 Average Sensitivity Def: the Average­ Sensitivity of f ( as ) is the sum of influences of all coordinates i  [n] : Def: the Average­ Sensitivity of f ( as ) is the sum of influences of all coordinates i  [n] : as (Majority) = O(n ½ ) as (Majority) = O(n ½ ) as (Parity) = n as (Parity) = n as (dictatorship) =1 as (dictatorship) =1

14 example majority for majority for What is Average Sensitivity ? What is Average Sensitivity ? AS= ½+ ½+ ½= 1.5 AS= ½+ ½+ ½= 1.5 1 Influence 2 3

15 When as (f)=1 Def: f is a balanced function if it equals -1 exactly half of the times: E x [f(x)]=0 Can a balanced f have as (f) < 1 ? What about as (f)=1 ? Beside dictatorships? Prop: f is balanced and as (f)=1  f is a dictatorship.

16 Representing f as a Polynomial What would be the monomials over x  P[n] ? What would be the monomials over x  P[n] ? All powers except 0 and 1 cancel out! All powers except 0 and 1 cancel out! Hence, one for each character S  [n] Hence, one for each character S  [n] These are all the multiplicative functions These are all the multiplicative functions

17 Fourier-Walsh Transform Consider all characters Consider all characters Given any function let the Fourier-Walsh coefficients of f be Given any function let the Fourier-Walsh coefficients of f be thus f can be described as thus f can be described as

18 Norms Def: Expectation norm on the function Def: Summation norm on the transform Thm [Parseval]: Hence, for a Boolean f

19 We may think of the Transform as defining a distribution over the characters. We may think of the Transform as defining a distribution over the characters. Distribution over Characters

20 Simple Observations Claim: Claim: For any function f whose range is {-1,0,1}: For any function f whose range is {-1,0,1}:

21 Variables` Influence Recall: influence of an index i  [n] on a Boolean function f:{1,-1} n  {1,-1} is Recall: influence of an index i  [n] on a Boolean function f:{1,-1} n  {1,-1} is Which can be expressed in terms of the Fourier coefficients of f Claim: Which can be expressed in terms of the Fourier coefficients of f Claim: And the as: And the as:

22 Fourier Representation of influence Proof: consider the influence function which in Fourier representation is and

23 Balanced f s.t. as (f)=1 is Dict. Since f is balanced and So f is linear For any i s.t. If  s s.t |s|>1 and then as(f)>1 Only i has changed

24 Expectation and Variance Claim: Claim: Hence, for any f Hence, for any f

25 First Passage Percolation [BKS] Each edge costs a w/probability ½ and b w/probability ½

26 First Passage Percolation Consider the Grid Consider the Grid For each edge e of choose independently w e = 1 or w e = 2, each with probability ½ For each edge e of choose independently w e = 1 or w e = 2, each with probability ½ This induces a shortest-path metric on This induces a shortest-path metric on Thm : The variance of the shortest path from the origin to vertex v is bounded from above by O( |v|/ log |v|) [BKS] Thm : The variance of the shortest path from the origin to vertex v is bounded from above by O( |v|/ log |v|) [BKS] Proof idea: The average sensitivity of shortest-path is bounded by that term Proof idea: The average sensitivity of shortest-path is bounded by that term

27 Let G denote the grid Let G denote the grid SP G – the shortest path in G from the origin to v. SP G – the shortest path in G from the origin to v. Let denote the Grid which differ from G only on w e i.e. flip the value of e in G. Let denote the Grid which differ from G only on w e i.e. flip the value of e in G. Set Set Proof outline

28 Observation If e participates in a shortest path then flipping its value will increase or decrease the SP in 1,if e is not in SP - the SP will not change.

29 Proof cont. And by [KKL] there is at least one variable whose influence is at least  (logn/n) And by [KKL] there is at least one variable whose influence is at least  (logn/n)

30 Def: A graph property is a subset of graphs invariant under isomorphism. Def: a monotone graph property is a graph property P s.t. If P(G) then for every super-graph H of G (namely, a graph on the same set of vertices, which contains all edges of G) P(H) as well. If P(G) then for every super-graph H of G (namely, a graph on the same set of vertices, which contains all edges of G) P(H) as well. P is in fact a Boolean function: P: {-1, 1} V 2  {-1, 1} Graph properties

31 Examples of graph properties G is connected G is connected G is Hamiltonian G is Hamiltonian G contains a clique of size t G contains a clique of size t G is not planar G is not planar The clique number of G is larger than that of its complement The clique number of G is larger than that of its complement The diameter of G is at most s The diameter of G is at most s... etc.... etc. What is the influence of different e on P? What is the influence of different e on P?

32 Erdös–Rényi G(n,p) Graph The Erdös-Rényi distribution of random graphs Put an edge between any two vertices w.p. p

33 Definitions P – a graph property P – a graph property  (P) - the probability that a random graph on n vertices with edge probability p satisfies P.  (P) - the probability that a random graph on n vertices with edge probability p satisfies P. G  G(n,p) - G is a random graph of n vertices and edge probability p. G  G(n,p) - G is a random graph of n vertices and edge probability p.

34 Example-Max Clique Consider G  G(n,p) Consider G  G(n,p) The size of the interval of probabilities p for which the clique number of G is almost surely k (where k  log n) is of order log -1 n. The size of the interval of probabilities p for which the clique number of G is almost surely k (where k  log n) is of order log -1 n. The threshold interval: The transition between clique numbers k-1 and k. The threshold interval: The transition between clique numbers k-1 and k. Probability for choosing an edge Number of vertices

35 The probability of having a (k + 1)-clique is still small (  log -1 n). The probability of having a (k + 1)-clique is still small (  log -1 n). The value of p must increase byclog -1 n before the probability for having a (k + 1)- clique reaches  and another transition interval begins. The value of p must increase by clog -1 n before the probability for having a (k + 1)- clique reaches  and another transition interval begins. The probability of having a clique of size k is 1-  The probability of having a clique of size k is 

36 Def: Sharp threshold Sharp threshold in monotone graph property: Sharp threshold in monotone graph property: The transition from a property being very unlikely to it being very likely is very swift. The transition from a property being very unlikely to it being very likely is very swift. G satisfies property P G Does not satisfies property P

37 Thm: every monotone graph property has a Sharp Threshold [FK] Let P be any monotone property of graphs on n vertices. Let P be any monotone property of graphs on n vertices. If  p (P) >  then  q (P) > 1-  for q = p + c 1 log(½  )/logn Proof idea: show as p’ (P), for p’>p, is high

38 Thm [Margulis-Russo]: For monotone f Hence Lemma: For monotone f  > 0,  q  [p, p+  ] s.t. as q (f)  1/  Proof: Otherwise  p+  (f) > 1

39 Proof [Margulis-Russo]:

40 Mechanism Design Problem N agents, each agent i has private input t i  T. All other information is public knowledge. N agents, each agent i has private input t i  T. All other information is public knowledge. Each agent i has a valuation for all items: Each agent wishes to optimize her own utility. Each agent i has a valuation for all items: Each agent wishes to optimize her own utility. Objective: minimize objective function, the total payment. Objective: minimize the objective function, the total payment. Means: protocol between agents and auctioneer. Means: protocol between agents and auctioneer.

41 Vickery-Clarke-Groves (VCG) Sealed bid auction Sealed bid auction A Truth Revealing protocol, namely, one in which each agent might as well reveal her valuation to the auctioneer A Truth Revealing protocol, namely, one in which each agent might as well reveal her valuation to the auctioneer Whereby each agent gets the best (for her) price she could have bid and still win the auction Whereby each agent gets the best (for her) price she could have bid and still win the auction

42 Shortest Path using VGC Problem definition: Problem definition: Communication network modeled by a directed graph G and two vertices source s and target t. Communication network modeled by a directed graph G and two vertices source s and target t. Agents = edges in G Agents = edges in G Each agent has a cost for sending a single message on her edge denote by t e. Each agent has a cost for sending a single message on her edge denote by t e. Objective: find the shortest (cheapest) path from s to t. Objective: find the shortest (cheapest) path from s to t. Means: protocol between agents and auctioneer. Means: protocol between agents and auctioneer.

43 VCG for Shortest-Path 50$10$50$10$ Always in the shortest path

44 How much will we pay? SP SP Every agent will get $1 more. Every agent will get $1 more. 1$ 2$

45 Juntas A function is a J-junta if its value depends on only J variables. A function is a J-junta if its value depends on only J variables. A Dictatorship is 1-junta A Dictatorship is 1-junta 11111111111 11 1 11 11 1 1 11111111111

46 [n] x I I z Noise-Sensitivity How often does the value of f changes when the input is perturbed? x I I z

47 Def( ,p,x [n] ): Let 0< <1, and x  P([n]) Then y~ ,p,x, if y = (x\I)  z where Def( ,p,x [n] ): Let 0< <1, and x  P([n]) Then y~ ,p,x, if y = (x\I)  z where I~  [n] is a noise subset, and I~  [n] is a noise subset, and z~  p I is a replacement. z~  p I is a replacement. Def( -noise-sensitivity): let 0< <1, then [ When p=½ equivalent to flipping each coordinate in x independently w.p. /2.] [n] x I I z Noise-Sensitivity

48 Noise-Sensitivity – Cont. Advantage: very efficiently testable (using only two queries) by a perturbation-test. Advantage: very efficiently testable (using only two queries) by a perturbation-test. Def (perturbation-test): choose x~  p, and y~ ,p,x, check whether f(x)=f(y) The success is proportional to the noise- sensitivity of f. Def (perturbation-test): choose x~  p, and y~ ,p,x, check whether f(x)=f(y) The success is proportional to the noise- sensitivity of f. Prop: the -noise-sensitivity is given by Prop: the -noise-sensitivity is given by

49 Relation between Parameters Prop: small ns  small high-freq weight Proof: therefore: if ns is small, then Hence the high frequencies must have small weights (as). Prop: small as  small high-freq weight Proof:

50 High vs. Low Frequencies Def: The section of a function f above k is and the low-frequency portion is

51 Low-degree B.f are Juntas [KS] Theorem:  constant  >0 s.t. any Boolean function f:P([n])  {-1,1} satisfying is an [ ,j]-junta for j=O(  -2 k 3  2k ) Corollary: fix a p-biased distribution  p over P([n]) Let >0 be any parameter. Set k=log 1- (½) Then  constant  >0 s.t. any Boolean function f:P([n])  {-1,1} satisfying is an [ ,j]-junta for j=O(  -2 k 3  2k )

52 Freidgut Theorem Thm: any Boolean f is an [ , j]-junta for Proof: 1. Specify the junta J 2. Show the complement of J has little influence

53 Long-Code In the long-code the set of legal-words consists of all monotone dictatorships This is the most extensive binary code, as its bits represent all possible binary values over n elements

54 Long-Code Encoding an element e  [n] : Encoding an element e  [n] : E e legally-encodes an element e if E e = f e E e legally-encodes an element e if E e = f e F F F F T T T T T T

55 Codes and Boolean Functions Def: an m-bit code is a subset of the set of all the m-binary string C  {-1,1} m The distance of a code C is the minimum, over all pairs of legal-words (in C), of the Hamming distance between the two words Note: A Boolean function over n binary variables is a 2 n -bit string Hence, a set of Boolean functions can be considered as a 2 n -bits code

56 Long-Code  Monotone-Dictatorship In the long-code, the legal code-words are all monotone dictatorships C={  {i} | i  [n]} namely, all the singleton characters In the long-code, the legal code-words are all monotone dictatorships C={  {i} | i  [n]} namely, all the singleton characters

57 Where to go for Dinner? The alternatives Diners would cast their vote in an (electronic) envelope The system would decide – not necessarily according to majority… And what if someone (in Florida?) can flip some votes Power influence Of course they’ll have to discuss it over dinner….

58 Where to go for Dinner? The alternatives Diners would cast their vote in an (electronic) envelope The system would decide – not necessarily according to majority… And what if someone (in Florida?) can flip some votes Power influence Of course they’ll have to discuss it over dinner….

59 Open Questions Mechanism Design: show a non truth-revealing protocol in which the pay is smaller (Nash equilibrium when all agents tell the truth?) Mechanism Design: show a non truth-revealing protocol in which the pay is smaller (Nash equilibrium when all agents tell the truth?) Hardness of Approximation: Hardness of Approximation: MAX-CUT MAX-CUT Coloring a 3-colorable graph with fewest colors Coloring a 3-colorable graph with fewest colors Graph Properties: find sharp-thresholds for properties Graph Properties: find sharp-thresholds for properties Analysis: show weakest condition for a function to be a Junta Analysis: show weakest condition for a function to be a Junta Apply Concentration of Measure techniques to other problems in Complexity Theory Apply Concentration of Measure techniques to other problems in Complexity Theory


61 Specify the Junta Set k=  (as(f)/  ), and  =2 -  (k) Let We’ll prove: and let hence, J is a [ ,j]-junta, and |J|=2 O(k)

62 Functions’ Vector-Space A functions f is a vector A functions f is a vector Addition: ‘f+g’(x) = f(x) + g(x) Addition: ‘f+g’(x) = f(x) + g(x) Multiplication by scalar ‘c  f’(x) = c  f(x) Multiplication by scalar ‘c  f’(x) = c  f(x)

63 Hadamard Code In the Hadamard code the set of legal-words consists of all multiplicative (linear if over {0,1}) functions C={  S | S  [n]} namely all characters

64 Hadamard Test Given a Boolean f, choose random x and y; check that f(x)f(y)=f(xy) Prop(completeness): a legal Hadamard word (a character) always passes this test

65 65 Hadamard Test – Soundness Prop(soundness): Proof:

66 Testing Long-code Def(a long-code list-test): given a code-word f, probe it in a constant number of entries, and accept almost always if f is a monotone dictatorship accept almost always if f is a monotone dictatorship reject w.h.p if f does not have a sizeable fraction of its Fourier weight concentrated on a small set of variables, that is, if  a semi-Junta J  [n] s.t. reject w.h.p if f does not have a sizeable fraction of its Fourier weight concentrated on a small set of variables, that is, if  a semi-Junta J  [n] s.t. Note: a long-code list-test, distinguishes between the case f is a dictatorship, to the case f is far from a junta.

67 Motivation – Testing Long-code The long-code list-test are essential tools in proving hardness results. The long-code list-test are essential tools in proving hardness results. Hence finding simple sufficient-conditions for a function to be a junta is important. Hence finding simple sufficient-conditions for a function to be a junta is important.

68 High Frequencies Contribute Little Prop: k >> r log r implies Proof: a character S of size larger than k spreads w.h.p. over all parts I h, hence contributes to the influence of all parts. If such characters were heavy (>  /4), then surely there would be more than j parts I h that fail the t independence-tests

69 Altogether Lemma: Proof:

70 Altogether

71 Beckner/Nelson/Bonami Inequality Def: let T  be the following operator on any f, Prop: Proof:

72 Beckner/Nelson/Bonami Inequality Def: let T  be the following operator on any f, Thm: for any p≥r and  ≤((r-1)/(p-1)) ½

73 Beckner/Nelson/Bonami Corollary Corollary 1: for any real f and 2≥r≥1 Corollary 2: for real f and r>2

74 Perturbation Def: denote by   the distribution over all subsets of [n], which assigns probability to a subset x as follows: independently, for each i  [n], let i  x with probability 1-  i  x with probability 1-  i  x with probability  i  x with probability 

75 Long-Code Test Given a Boolean f, choose random x and y, and choose z   ; check that f(x)f(y)=f(xyz) Prop(completeness): a legal long- code word (a dictatorship) passes this test w.p. 1- 

76 Long-code Tests Def (a long-code test): given a code- word w, probe it in a constant number of entries, and Def (a long-code test): given a code- word w, probe it in a constant number of entries, and accept w.h.p if w is a monotone dictatorship accept w.h.p if w is a monotone dictatorship reject w.h.p if w is not close to any monotone dictatorship reject w.h.p if w is not close to any monotone dictatorship

77 Efficient Long-code Tests For some applications, it suffices if the test may accept illegal code-words, nevertheless, ones which have short list-decoding: Def(a long-code list-test): given a code-word w, probe it in 2/3 places, and accept w.h.p if w is a monotone dictatorship, accept w.h.p if w is a monotone dictatorship, reject w.h.p if w is not even approximately determined by a short list of domain elements, that is, if  a Junta J  [n] s.t. f is close to f’ and f’(x)=f’(x  J) for all x reject w.h.p if w is not even approximately determined by a short list of domain elements, that is, if  a Junta J  [n] s.t. f is close to f’ and f’(x)=f’(x  J) for all x Note: a long-code list-test, distinguishes between the case w is a dictatorship, to the case w is far from a junta.

78 General Direction These tests may vary These tests may vary The long-code list-test a, in particular the biased case version, seem essential in proving improved hardness results for approximation problems The long-code list-test a, in particular the biased case version, seem essential in proving improved hardness results for approximation problems Other interesting applications Other interesting applications Hence finding simple, weak as possible, sufficient-conditions for a function to be a junta is important. Hence finding simple, weak as possible, sufficient-conditions for a function to be a junta is important.

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