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Fixed Ops in a Multi- Channel World Full Name I Company I Job Title I Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I

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Presentation on theme: "Fixed Ops in a Multi- Channel World Full Name I Company I Job Title I Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fixed Ops in a Multi- Channel World Full Name I Company I Job Title I Email Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I

2 Agenda How Customers Are Viewing Information Many channels and many ways to connect Channels To Watch Develop Turnkey approach (holistic) Tying in Manufacturer Programs XXYY Timing Additional Talking Point XXYY Timing Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I

3 What Mediums Do You Use? To view your news? Follow-up with Friends? Need information quick? Source of entertainment? Ask Your Self – “Am I all that different than my customers” Ask Yourself When your planning a trip? Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I

4 Customers Are Engaging Today’s consumer has a lot going on in life. So they leverage what matters most just like we do…many platforms. Your Customers Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I

5 Customers Are Engaging. Simultaneous Usage Sequential Usage Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I Consider how a customer interfaces with their world …Various age demographics approach each differently. Your Customers

6 Many Age Demographics. Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I Your Customers Millennials – Internet in home Gen X – Grew-up with Tech Boomers – “Swinging Sixties” Pre 1945 – War Born Keeping age demographics in mind…What influences drivers to get their vehicles fixed?

7 What Influences Drivers? Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I Your Customers Quality & Trust Trump Price Offers and deals are important to drivers for vehicle service, but even more important is great customer service they can rely on. Google+ Sterling Driver Insights Study

8 What Influences Drivers? Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I Your Customers Little Difference Among Service Brands Drivers tend to stay with one shop due to lack of differentiation among service providers Google+ Sterling Driver Insights Study

9 What Influences Drivers? Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I Your Customers Google+ Sterling Driver Insights Study Are your advertising & marketing dollars focused appropriately?

10 Marketing Channels Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I Which Channels Email Direct Mail Paid Ads

11 Email Marketing - Types Traditional Mass Targeted/Retargeted One-on-One Newsletter The Benefits Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I Personalized

12 Email Marketing Benefits Low Cost – High ROI Easy To Track Broad Reach Personalized Interactive – Easy to Share The Benefits Measurable Results Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I

13 Benefits of Email on Mobile Opens Grew by 30% Email Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I

14 Direct Mail Quality Conquest Lists Less Competition vs. Email Longer ‘Counter Life’ Customer Must Touch It Interactive – Easy to Share Direct Email Wrap Manufacturer Program Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I

15 Traditional Paid Ads Bing Automotive Insights – Location targeting trends DealershipsService & RepairsParts & Accessories CPC -.55-$1.40 CTR -.82%-1.69% CPC: 1.39 - $2.64 CTR: 1.08% -2.52% CPC:.52 - $.94 CTR: 1.15% -2.71% Bing PPC Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I

16 Traditional Paid Ads Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Director I Bing Automotive Insights Automotive Ad Scheduling Trends

17 Traditional Paid Ads Bing Automotive Insights Automotive Ad Scheduling Trends Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I

18 Targeted Social Media Paid Ads Custom Audience Google PPC Your Segmented list Upload to Facebook Matches Email or Phone # Displays Ads in Timeline Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I

19 Targeted Social Media Paid Ads Custom Audience Musts Strong Calls To Action Great Relevant Images List Not Broad Consistent Messaging Test Campaigns (A & B) Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I

20 Targeted Social Media Paid Ads Lookalike Audience Lookalike Audiences are people similar to an audience of interest Image Source: Moscow Times – Sept. 2013 Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I

21 Targeted Social Media Paid Ads Audiences CPC Source: TechCrunch CPC Study - 2015 Costs & Rates CPC - $.27 CTR - 1.5% Cost less than traditional PPC Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I

22 Social Media & Reputation Reviews Opinion of your customers that dictate your reputation Open 24 Hours Cost-effective Great Way To Engage by responding Loudest Silent Channel Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I

23 Multi-Channel Takeaway – Costs Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I List Size Think Micro Campaigns. FB & Direct Mail cost should be $250- $600/campaign each. Economies of Scale When combining more channels Response Rates can increase substantially (30-60%) Free Campaigns Increase positive reviews. Do not abuse email

24 Multi-Channel Takeaway – 3 Cs Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I Coordinate Data All data segments must be the same for each channel. Message content must also be the same and look the same if possible Combine Channels Always launch more than one channel at a time. Consistent Messaging Not all channels will be equally effective for the same data list or channel. Be consistent.

25 Multi-Channel Takeaway – Timing Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I Recently Sold Accessories and additional warranties sell much easier during the first 60 days of ownership Manufacturer Programs Supplement sales and service journey programs to enhance a particular time in the journey Alternate Timing Customer do not always respond to the same channel every time.

26 Many Moments In Time Tokyo – August 25, 1991 Berlin – August 06, 2009 9.869.58 Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Marketing Director I

27 Share an important takeaway you received from this session using hashtag #DD20 for a chance to win an iPad Contact Info Andrew Oxendine Fixed Operations Marketing Director Email:

28 Traditional Paid Ads Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Director I Bing Automotive Insights – Ad Click Thru Rates - Dealerships Dealerships Click-Thru Rates:.082% - 1.69%

29 Traditional Paid Ads Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Director I Bing Automotive Insights – Ad Click Thru Rates – Parts & Accessories Parts & Accessories Click-Thru Rates: 1.15% - 2.71%

30 Traditional Paid Ads Andrew Oxendine I Fixed Ops Director I Bing Automotive Insights – Ad Click Thru Rates – Service & Repairs Service & Repairs Click-Thru Rates: 1.08% - 2.52%

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