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2 Feature of the Megastone pan
O. Megastone Frypan sets produced by the professional cookware manufacturer are guarantee the high quality. O. Megastone Frypan sets are coated with the Eco friendly and Non-harmful non-stick materials. O. Megastone coating is an innovate nonstick coating materials mixed with the human-friendly Zirconium. O. No harmful chemicals or pollutants are released even when the cookware is placed over high heat and use a long times. O. Megastone Frypan is sales well through the Home-shopping channel, the famous brand cookware shops in the Europe and Korea market 주방용품 전문 생산하여 홈쇼핑, 백화점, 수출을 주력하는 최고급 제품 입니다. 내장 메가스톤 코팅으로 유해물질이 배출되지 않는 친환경코팅제품입니다. 지로코늄,흑운모등의 다량의 스톤(돌가루)성분이 함유되어있어 유럽에서 선풍적 인 인기를 끌고 있는 새로운 개념의 메가스톤팬 입니다.

3 Sales point of the MEGASTONE II
High Scratch Resistant - The megastone coating pass 50,000 times of the abrasive test. - Marble, Fluorine coating is peel off at the over 10,000 times of the abrasive test. MEGA STONE II Premium coating technology. The megastone nonstick coating materials mixed with the Zirconium and Ceramic materials are enforced the anti-scratch and long lasting coating.

4 Frypan Trend When we choose the frypan/Wok, the High performance Nonstick and Anti-scratch coating information in the label is an important facts for choose the Frypans.

5 Sales Point High heat conductivity - the frypan heated quickly and spread without the hot spot. Easy clean -The Frypan coated with the megastone can clean the Frypan with the paper towel easily MEGA STONE-II premium coating -.The megastone coatign materials are mixed with the Zirconium and Ceramic materials are enforced the anti-scratch Non- separated Handle -.The simple designed two side handles are clean easily and nothing left during the cooking. Light weight cookware -.It can use cooking easily.

6 Specification ■ Material : Body – Aluminium Alloy
Handle : Bakelite(heat resistance) ■ Composition Frypan 28cm Deep Frypan 28cm Multi Wok 28cm Wide Roast Grill 34 Glass Lid 28

7 Feature of coating High performance Nonstick coating is guarantee the easy and clean cooking The ceramic, Zirconium release the healthy far-infrared radiation Megastone premium coating is about 2-3 times stronger than the popular Marble, Fluorine

8 Feature of coating Megastone coating is 2-3 times stronger than the popular Marble, Fluorine Megastone Frypan/Wok can be used with metal utensils and will remain scratch free. The durable nonstick coating will not fade or peel and the pans are dishwasher safe.

9 Feature of Frypan sets Feature
The Frypan/WOK coated with the Megastone II guarantee the is durable and long lasting nonstick performance.

10 Feature of color coating
The color of the Frypan set - Metalic Wine color - Metalic Blue color

11 Feature of outside coating
팬의 바닥부분은 열변형 방지 바닥설계로 오래 사용하여도 뒤틀림이 없으며 부식방지 코팅처리를 하여 변형이 없이 깨끗하게 오랫동안 사용 할 수가 있습니다. The special designed bottom of frypan prevent the twist and bulging the bottom The anti rusted and heatproof outside coating.

12 Featur of handle The soft TPR coated premium Handle
- The curved designed Handle for women and soft touchable surface.

13 Feature of Glass Lid The Glass Lid can use for the Frypan, Deep Frypan and Multi-WOK 28cm. The steam hole is protect from the over floor during the cooking

14 Feature of Grill pan

15 Feature of the Multi WOK
The Multi Wok can cooking the big size chicken soup at once and useful for the various cooking

16 Thank you !


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