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Upstate Freshwater Institute
Climate Change Effects on Phytoplankton Composition in Cannonsville Reservoir Hampus Markensten1, Donald C Pierson2, Emmet M. Owens1, Aavudai Anandhi3, Elliot M. Schneiderman2, Mark S. Zion2 and Steven W. Effler1 1) Upstate Freshwater Institute Syracuse, USA 2) Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) NYC, USA 3) Hunter College, Program in Earth and Environmental Sciences City Univ of New York, USA NYWEA 2009
Cannonsville reservoir
Third largest reservoir serving New York City with drinking water. Mesotrophic with a retention time of 2.6 years and a storage capacity of 373*106 m3 of water (98.5 billion gallons).
Background Future climate with warmer temperature and changed precipitation pattern increase reservoir water temperatures and affects the nutrient export from the watershed to the reservoirs. Phytoplankton grows faster in warmer temperature and can obtain larger biomass with more nutrients. What biological responses in the water reservoirs can be expected in the future?
Objectives Evaluate the effect on the total phytoplankton biomass and the functional groups from climate change. Method Model phytoplankton functional groups using a dynamic mass balance water quality model.
Model description PROTECH What makes algae grow? Light Nutrients
(Phytoplankton RespOnses To Environmental CHange) What makes algae grow? Light Nutrients Temperature Algae Source: Alex Elliot
1-D mass balance model using a phytoplankton biology descripotion based on PROTECH-model (phytoplankton response to environmental change) developed by Colin Reynolds in UK. Phytoplankton can respond to changes in nutrient, light and temperature by vertical movements to reach the most favorable depth. Phytoplankton growth rates are calculated from size and volume relationships that affect nutrient uptake, light harvesting, and temperature dependence. Eight functional groups of phytoplankton are simulated that differ in their surface area/volume, capability to fix nitrogen, use silica and buoyancy regulation.
Overview of the hybrid 1D model including
phytoplankton functional groups
UFI PROTECH hybrid model
Feature UFI PROTECH hybrid model Representation of phyto-plankton Carbon-based; constant stoichiometry; multiple (eight) algae classes Nutrients N, P, Si. Zooplankton Modeled. Suspended Solids VSS=Detritus + Algal material. Phytoplankton Settling Some phytoplankton. Others may actively move up or down. Resuspension Complete resuspension of deposited algal particulates (Algal C) in mixed layer Deposition Below mixed layer: determined by settling velocity. In mixed layer: no deposition. Sediment Release, Diagenesis Release of SRP, NH3 and Si from phytoplankton at same rate as in the water column (respiration).
Size and Shape Influences
Growth Temperature adaptation Light absorption Grazing Passive movement (up or down)
What is different in PROTECH?
Morphological relationships describe growth: r20 Reynolds (1989)
Temperature-sensitivity of growth rate (rθ) as a function of s/v
(Reynolds in Sommer 1989)
Light effect on phytoplankton growth
(Reynolds in Sommer 1989)
Light saturated growth
(Reynolds in Sommer 1989) Ik Light saturated growth αr=0.257(M*s/v)0.236 αr Light intensity Ik=rθ /αr
Phytoplankton Functional Groups
Large Filamentous Diatoms – Aulacoseira Small Diatoms – Stephanodiscus Small Flagellates – Cryptomonas, Rhodomonas Large Flagellates – Ceratium Large Buoyant Colonial Cyanobacteria – Microcystis Large Buoyant N fixing Cyanobacteria – Anabaena, Aphanizomenon
Main results Air temperature (Co), summary of 9 future (+65yr) scenarios.
Discharge (mm), summary of 9 future (+65yr) scenarios.
Water temperature (Co), Epilimnion
Combined watershed and temperature effects Only temperature effect Only watershed effect
SRP (µg l-1), Epilimnion Combined watershed and temperature effects Only temperature effect Only watershed effect
Chlorophyll a (µg l-1), Epilimnion
Combined watershed and temperature effects Only temperature effect Only watershed effect
Large Buoyant Nitrogen fixers (µg Chl a l-1) , Epilimnion
Combined watershed and temperature effects Only temperature effect Only watershed effect
Large Filamentous Diatoms (µg Chl a l-1) , Epilimnion
Combined watershed and temperature effects Only temperature effect Only watershed effect
Epilimnion Base simulation Future simulation (ECHAM A1B +65yr)
Conclusions Climate may affect phytoplankton, either via in-lake changes in temperature and stratification, or due to altered processes at the catchment level, such as precipitation and temperature driven rates of nutrient export and water discharge. This study demonstrates that in Cannonsville Reservoir, there is only a slight projected increase in total phytoplankton biomass. Cyanobacteria biomass projected increase is largely attributable to changes in timing of nutrient export from the catchment. Diatom biomass stay unchanged in the future scenarios except for a pronounced increase in spring attributed to both temperature- and watershed effects.
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