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The Research Process It All Starts with a Question.

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Presentation on theme: "The Research Process It All Starts with a Question."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Research Process It All Starts with a Question

2 HUH?

3 No. That’s not the question.

4 Why? With so much information at your disposal, it is very easy to become overwhelmed with the research process. A good research question will guide your process, refine your search, and open your mind.

5 What is a good question? Remember, you may be working with this question for a long time! Your question should: 1.Be of interest to you 2.Provide you with focus 3.Lead you to answers and other questions 4.Keep your mind open to different possibilities 5.Be manageable based on the length of your assignment

6 What is a Weak Question? A weak research question… 1)is too broad 2)is too restricted One of the biggest factors creating a weak research question is your own preconceived ideas. If you already believe you know the answer to your question then you will not be able to approach your research with an open mind.


8 I’ll give you a topic…

9 THE CANADIAN ECONOMY I’ll give you a topic…

10 Now What? Examine your topic based on your discipline A broad topic like this one could relate to many courses and disciplines Think of a research question that will guide your process

11 Evaluate Your Question -Does your question interest you? -Do you think you’d be able to use this question to maintain your focus throughout the research process? -Do you think you already know the answer to your question? -What kind of assignment would be most appropriate for your question? A 5-page report? A 20- page essay? A presentation? -Is your question a good guide for you?

12 Unsure of Where to Start? Make an appointment with Lindsey in Academic Skills to discuss your research question and begin the process of completing a great assignment! Call 705-474-3450 ext. 4559 or email to make your appointment today! Appointments available for distance education students by telephone, Skype, and FaceTime!

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