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Prepositional Phrases (Adjective & Adverb Phrases) Learning Target: I can identify prepositional, adjectival, and adverbial phrases and diagram sentences.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepositional Phrases (Adjective & Adverb Phrases) Learning Target: I can identify prepositional, adjectival, and adverbial phrases and diagram sentences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepositional Phrases (Adjective & Adverb Phrases) Learning Target: I can identify prepositional, adjectival, and adverbial phrases and diagram sentences with these types of phrases in them.

2 Understanding Phrases Let’s review the definition of a clause. A phrase is a small group of words that functions as a part of speech within a sentence. Phrases do not have a subject and a verb. Common phrases are noun, verb, adverb, adjective, appositive, and prepositional phrases. Today, we will begin to learn about these kinds of phrases, beginning with the prepositional phrase.

3 Why are all the examples below phrases, not clauses?  smashing into the fence  before the first test  a well-known historian  after the devastation  between ignorance and intelligence  broken into thousands of pieces  her glittering smile

4 Let’s remind ourselves what a preposition is. In this example, the preposition is the word that describes the relationship between this caterpillar and this apple.

5 Busy Prepositions   

6 Prepositional Phrases Prepositional phrases all being with a preposition and end with a noun. Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and some other word or element in the rest of the sentence. Prepositions are always in prepositional phrases, and they may have other words in them… like adjectivesnear fancy hotels across the large bedroom and adverbs near extremely fancy hotels across the rather large bedroom. Can you point out the prepositions, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs?

7 The important thing to remember about phrases is… They act as single parts of speech!!! Although each word within the phrase has its own job, the words work together to perform one job. Prepositional phrases usually function as adjectives or adverbs. Let’s check some out.

8 The cake with nuts fell onto the floor. with nuts is a prepositional phrase. It begins with the preposition with and it ends with the noun, nuts. The whole phrase is telling us more about the cake. Cake is a noun. It tells us which cake fell. Since it is answering one of the adjective questions, it is acting as an adjective modifying the noun cake. Onto the floor is telling us more about where the cake fell. Fell is a verb. Since it is answering one of the adverb questions, it is acting as an adverb modifying the verb fell.

9 Sentence Diagrams show us how parts of sentences are related. Create your own sentence.

10 Teacher & Student Resources  Grammar Revolution http://www.english-grammar-  Flocabulary

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