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FIS 1311: Introduction September 12, 2005. Overview Course Overview & Logistics Technology: for online & classroom participation Assignments Discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "FIS 1311: Introduction September 12, 2005. Overview Course Overview & Logistics Technology: for online & classroom participation Assignments Discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIS 1311: Introduction September 12, 2005

2 Overview Course Overview & Logistics Technology: for online & classroom participation Assignments Discussion

3 Course aims understand and use the basic vocabulary and concepts of information technology (IT) and information systems (IS) analyze and describe simple information systems using standard terminology create simple data and workflow models using Unified Modeling Language and Entity Relationship diagramming techniques understand some of the social and political ramifications of IT, including intellectual property issues

4 Course Aims, con’t recognize some of the limitations of IT and some of the potential sources of error or failure capability in creating and using basic XML representations of data develop simple queries using SQL assess basic technical and organizational issues related to the application of IT in occupational and everyday settings collect, interpret and assimilate new knowledge about IS/IT topics from many sources

5 Personal emphasis Information technology as a participatory phenomenon The “user” is not simply the passive receiver of technologies and the application Practical, technical skills are highly valued by prospective employers: XML, MSAccess, Website & systems design

6 Course Resources Course Website: –Much linked to from here Discussion hosted on WebCT: Textbook: Laudon, Laudon & Brabston Management Information Systems

7 Textbook Textbook: –Chapter 2 & 3 (this week) –Chapter 7 (Sept. 26) –Chapter 8 (Oct. 3) –Chapter 4 (Dec. 12) –Parts of Chapters 6 & 12 (Oct/Nov)

8 Course schedule Face 2 Face classes: –Sept. 12, 26 –Oct. 3 –Nov. 7 & Nov. 28 I will be available on the Tuesdays (and possibly Weds.) after for a drop-in lab MS Access (& SQL) Lab: Nov. 14 (TA’s) Discussion and Activities throughout

9 Course Website Material organized by week Overview of & links to assignments Contact Information Send me feedback on glitches and inconsistencies:

10 Assessment A mix of assignments for different orientations and strength Regular, smaller assignments to pace course activity Will follow guidelines for grading and assessment used in FIS Note final Database assignment

11 Assignments

12 Technology: communication & activities Sept. 25: Blog -; Oct. 9: Databases ** Oct. 30: RSS Feeds Nov. 6: UML Use Case SQL (structured query language) ERD (entity relationship diagram) UML (unified modeling language)

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