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stresses that behavior is strongly influenced by biology and is tied of evolution characterized by critical or sensitive periods. these are specific time.

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Presentation on theme: "stresses that behavior is strongly influenced by biology and is tied of evolution characterized by critical or sensitive periods. these are specific time."— Presentation transcript:


2 stresses that behavior is strongly influenced by biology and is tied of evolution characterized by critical or sensitive periods. these are specific time frames during which, according to ethologists, the presence or absence of certain experiences has a long-lasting influence on individuals.

3 Who is Konrad Lorenz? (1903-1989) European zoologist helped bring ethology to prominence

4 But what is ethology? noun 1. study of the behaviour of animals in their normal environment (Collins Dictionary, 2010) noun 2. study of animal behavioral patterns: the study of the behavior of animals in their natural habitat, usually proposing evolutionary explanations (Encarta Dictionaries, 2009)

5 Lorenz’s experiment

6 It is the rapid, innate learning that involves attachment to the first moving objects seen.





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