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Who owns the sea?. Geopolitics of oceans Sovereignity rights: Discuss the sovereignity rights of nations in relation to the territorial limits and exclusive.

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Presentation on theme: "Who owns the sea?. Geopolitics of oceans Sovereignity rights: Discuss the sovereignity rights of nations in relation to the territorial limits and exclusive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who owns the sea?

2 Geopolitics of oceans Sovereignity rights: Discuss the sovereignity rights of nations in relation to the territorial limits and exclusive economic zones (EEZ)

3 What’s going on here??? Who owns the disputed sea in your opinion? So if one country puts garbage in their EEZ and it floats to yours…?

4 Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Definition: An area in which a coastal nation has sovereign rights over all the economic resources of the sea, seabed and subsoil, extending up to 200 nautical miles from the coast.

5 Map showing the extent of control of the world’s oceans by nation states. Map showing the extent of control of the world’s oceans by nation states.  Who do you think controls the other oceans (in light blue)?

6 Sovereignity rights vs. EEZ Read p. 244 of Planet Geography and 150- 151 your text. Explain the difference between sovereignity rights of countries within their territorial limits and exclusive economic zones (EEZ). Sovereignity rights = rights of the country EEZ = area within which the country has rights

7 What do these pictures have to do with sovereignity rights and EEZs? CONFLICT! Cod wars in the North Sea between the UK and Iceland from 1958, 1972 and 1976 Rockall – a tiny rock in the N. Atlantic ocean has been claimed by Ireland, the UK, Denmark and Iceland. There are ongoing disputes over this. There is an ongoing dispute over the Spratly Islands (South China Sea) that are claimed by China, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines.

8 Case Study China and The Philippines are arguing over areas of the South China Sea.. Explain the issue/story to me

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