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Exploration and Colonization Overview

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1 Exploration and Colonization Overview
US History Exploration and Colonization Overview Ruth Lewis Alex Green Schuyler Rideout

2 Pequot War First Serious armed conflict between the Native Americans
settlers of New England. Numerous previous conflicts over property, damage to Indian fields, hunting and dishonest trade dealings. The Pequot were outgunned, a smallpox epidemic had also weakened the tribe. 1637, the Pequot leader Sassacus is captured, main village destroyed and the Pequot were finished.

3 The Causes of European Exploration
Spain France Indentured Servants Religious toleration Free Land = more money and High unemployment in Europe Disease (Bubonic Plague) and famine Lack of central government Gold, God, Glory, Greed Increase land, conquer territories Increase world status Fur Trade god Northwest Passage Lumber or other resources to obtain export

4 Rise of England as an Exploration power
Religious groups (Puritans) immigrated to realize own ideal society British forced French out of Americas with French and Indian war Queen Elizabeth vs. King Phillip II (England vs. Spain, England won) Colonies prospered due to Joint- stock company (Virginia company), attracted more people = more power for England Tobacco from colonies Gender equality, proved to be more successful amongst other countries

5 Main differences of the Spanish, French and English Colonies
Gold, God, Glory Hostile with Native Americans, forced labor Treated the Native Americans the worst Stratified social system Fur Trade God Obtained manufactured goods Fair and most cooperative with Native Americans Religious freedom Expand territory Gain power Forced Native Americans out of their lands, treated them harshly

6 Main Characteristics of the New England, Middle and Southern Colonies
MIDDLE COLONIES SOUTHERN COLONIES Puritans (Pilgrims) and Separatists Great Awakening Mayflower & Mayflower Compact First self-governing concept Salem Witch Trials Saw Native Americans as lazy savages led to Pequot War, King Philip’s War Culturally rich and diverse Most tolerant of all colonies and religions Women were treated equal in Quaker faith Very fair and friendly with Native Americans Advance fortunes and increase power of England Grew Tobacco Indentured servants Slaves Jamestown House of Burgesses

7 Bacon’s Rebellion While expanding, costs to transport goods grew exponentially due to William Berkeley’s heavy taxes on planters War between Native Americans and settlers over land expansion Berkeley balked, Nathaniel Bacon rebelled and slaughtered Native Americans Bacon and men went to Jamestown, drowned out governor, burned town Bacon died, rebellion collapsed Credibility of Berkeley ruined, he was sent back to England

8 Headright System Made to attract more people to the colonies.
What it is: Anyone who paid for their or another person’s passage to Virginia received 50 acers of land. Enabled the wealthy to create large plantations. Helped the population of Virginia start to grow

9 King Philip’s War Native American rebellion
Led by the chief Metacom (known as King Philip to the English) The natives acquired guns from traders and destroyed 12 towns, the next year they ran out of ammunition after losing access to colonial traders. Metacom dies in battle after being shot by a praying-town Indian The defeated Native Americans lost their land to the English and some fled to Canada where they found refuge.

10 House of Burgesses First representative body in America
Male landowners over 17 voted for two Burgesses to represent their settlement. The house had the power to make laws and raise taxes Began a strong tradition of representative government in the English colonies.

11 Joint Stock Company Joint-Stock Companies-
business venture founded and run by a group of investors Shares in company’s losses and profits EX. The Virginia Company Involved in the success of Jamestown

12 Mercantilism Mercantilism:
nation/empire could build wealth and power by improving its industries and manufactured goods in exchange for GOLD or SILVER PURPOSE OF COLONIES WAS TO INCREASE THE WEALTH AND POWER OF ENGLAND

13 Navigation Acts THE NAVIGATION ACTS 1651 1660 1663 1733
To obtain more ships, sailors and trade, Parliament created a series of trade laws known as the Navigation Acts THE NAVIGATION ACTS 1651 Imported goods could be transported from Asia, Africa and Americas to England in English ships 1660 Only sugar, tobacco, cotton and indigo could be exported from the colonies to England 1663 All the colonies had to import their European goods through an English port only 1733 Increases duties increased between French Indies and American colonies on sugar

14 Triangular Trade North America Great Brittan Africa
Imported: Enslaved Africans Exported: Raw Materials (Fish, rice, tar, timber, tobacco, coffee, sugar, and gold) Imported: Raw Materials (Fish, rice, tar, timber, tobacco, coffee, sugar, and gold) Exported: Manufactured Goods (Metal wear, textiles, alcohol, muskets) Imported: Manufactured Goods (Metal wear, textiles, alcohol, muskets) Exported: Enslaved Africans

15 Salutary Neglect This allowed Colonists self rule as long as Great Brittan's economy was growing.

16 Great Awakening Religious movement that was heavily inspired by Evangelical Preachers Jonathan Edwards was a big influence.

17 Puritans and Separatists
Left England for religious toleration (Went to Massachusetts) Wanted to purify the Church of England Very devoted religion Most intolerant of other religions SEPARATISTS: Wanted to separate from Church of England Began their own churches No English Signed a Mayflower Compact to govern themselves Their individualism led to war

18 Mayflower Compact Puritan emigrants- Pilgrims- sailed over to the American colonies on the Mayflower ship Mayflower Compact made by a group of settlers They agreed to form a government and obey its laws (First idea of self-government)

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