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Roving Mars Leigh Schwarzel M.EdNicole McKnelly Athens City School DistrictHuntsville City School District Morrison-Gordon ElementaryHuntsville High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Roving Mars Leigh Schwarzel M.EdNicole McKnelly Athens City School DistrictHuntsville City School District Morrison-Gordon ElementaryHuntsville High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roving Mars Leigh Schwarzel M.EdNicole McKnelly Athens City School DistrictHuntsville City School District Morrison-Gordon ElementaryHuntsville High School 5 th Grade Science and Social Studies 9th - 12th grade Mathematic Athens, Ohio 45701 Huntsville, AL 35806

2 Earth vs. Mars

3 Earth / Mars Comparisons

4 ]

5 Martian Moons PhobosDeimos

6 Earth’s Moon

7 Martian Year For any planet, a year is the time it takes to make one orbit around the sun. Because Mars is farther away from the sun, it has to travel a greater distance around the sun. It takes Mars about twice as long as it does for Earth to make one circle around the sun. Therefore, a year on Mars lasts twice as long.


9 Mt. Everest on Earth ~ 30,000 ft

10 Olympus Mons on Mars ~ 80,000 Ft. Tall!


12 Grand Canyon on Earth

13 Grand Canyon of Mars/Solar System

14 Dust Storm in the Sahara Desert as Viewed from Space

15 Dust Storms Happen on Mars as Well

16 Meteor Crater on Earth

17 Craters on Mars Tell Us About Earth’s Past

18 Landing site comparison…

19 Phoenix Landing Site B


21 Build Me a Rover



24 The “Body” of a Rover The body of a rover is called the warm electronics box (WEB). The body is built to not only protect the computers, electronics and batteries but it is also temperature controlled which protects it from the drastic temperature changes. The WEB is closed on top by a triangular piece called the Rover Equipment Deck (RED). This creates a safe place for the rover mast and cameras to observe the Marian terrain.





29 Studying Mars


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