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Web Based Productive Labor System Team No : 23 Members: Anurag Garg Preeti Parthasarathy (3096) Saurabh Gupta Location: On Campus CSCI 588 Design of User.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Based Productive Labor System Team No : 23 Members: Anurag Garg Preeti Parthasarathy (3096) Saurabh Gupta Location: On Campus CSCI 588 Design of User."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Based Productive Labor System Team No : 23 Members: Anurag Garg Preeti Parthasarathy (3096) Saurabh Gupta Location: On Campus CSCI 588 Design of User Interface Software

2 Topic Description System Requirements Navigation Map User Analysis Visual Design Main Page Design Screen Prototypes Lessons Learned Conclusion Outline : Web Based Productive Labor System

3 Problem: Existing Productive Labor System is a time tracking and manual system. Daily batch entries of production information is inefficient and also user un friendly. There is no way to automatically control access to the system. Separate UI for the Admin and Employee login is not available. Topic Description: Web Based Productive Labor System

4 Solution: Web application for employee time tracking. User friendly interface provides efficient method for automated entry. Access to the PLS is controlled using an employee smart card identification. User privilege based administration control and employee login are provided which enhance the overall security of the system. Topic Description: Web Based Productive Labor System

5 General Security Requirements: Login – A login function is provided to authenticate users into PLS. – Optional Smart-Card usage for authentication. User and Group Administration – The system provides privilege levels for management of users and user groups. – The system shall allow service Engineers and IT administrators to access data of any market center. – The system allows Payroll clerk, Productive labor data entry clerk, Market Center Controller, Production Manager/Supervisors, GM/Asst. GM and Office Managers to access data of the market center where they are employed only. System Requirements: Web Based Productive Labor System

6 Usability Requirements: Maintenance – to search, view, add, modify and delete all market center parameters codes. – to search, view, add, modify and delete employee details. – to search, view, add, modify and delete leave applications. – to view and update employee daily job activity data. Employee data entry – The system shall allow employees to enter the daily job activity details – The system shall allow employees to apply for leave and view leave applications. – The system shall allow employees to control production. System Requirements: Web Based Productive Labor System

7 Login PageMain Page Lin k Start Navigation Map: Web Based Productive Labor System

8 User & Group Admin Page Employee Activity Entry Page Employee Leave Application Equipment Automation Productivity Tools Parameter Maintenance Page Reporting Page Employee Smart Card Application Link Navigation Map: Web Based Productive Labor System

9 User & Group Admin Page User Group Privilege Administration Page User Privilege Administration Page Functions: Add User Group Privilege Search User Group Privilege Delete User Group Privilege Update User Group Privilege View User Group Privilege Functions: Add User Group Privilege Search User Group Privilege Delete User Group Privilege Update User Group Privilege View User Group Privilege Navigation Map: Web Based Productive Labor System Administration Page

10 Functions: Add User Group Privilege Search User Group Privilege Delete User Group Privilege Update User Group Privilege View User Group Privilege Employee Job Activity Page Navigation Map: Web Based Productive Labor System Job Activity Entry Page

11 Functions: Apply for Leave Delete Application View Application Update Application Search Application Employee Leave Application Navigation Map: Web Based Productive Labor System Leave Application

12 User Profile: Psychological Characteristics – Cognitive Style: Cognitive style is definitely verbal for a majority of users as most of users of our system are not highly educated. – Attitude: Negative or Neutral. – Motivation: Low. – The users are not very well paid; some of employees are not highly educated. We think user attitude would be negative or neutral because it requires more work on the behalf of the user to learn the new system. The users are not experience in using computers hence their motivation to learn to use and use a software system would be Low. Worst case values assumed. Web Based Productive Labor System User Analysis Discussion:

13 User Profile: Knowledge and Experience – Reading level: The reading level falls in the category Fifth to twelfth grade. – Typing skills: The typing skill is usually low as most users have not used typewriters. – Education: Most of the users are have a high school college degree only. – System Experience: Low. – Task Experience: Novice: The users do not have much experience doing the task that our application is performing. – Application experience (domain knowledge): The users probably have used no similar system in their work. – Native Language: The native language is definitely English. People who can speak in English are only employed by the company. – Use of other systems: Little or None. The users do not have to use any other system other than the system that is being designed. – Computer Literacy: Computer Literacy is low as the users are industrial workers are they may not be computer-literate. – The user of the system can be anyone from a manager to wage worker. Therefore, for the system to be useful and easy for a largest group of people, worst case knowledge and experience user characteristics were assumed. Web Based Productive Labor System User Analysis Discussion:

14 Job and Task Characteristics: – Frequency of use: Our online reporting system and employee time tracking system will be used frequently. – Training: The users will undergo mandatory training sessions and will learn to use the system. – System use: The system use is mandatory. – Job Categories: Managers, Engineers, Clerks and wage workers will use the system. – Turnover (e.g. training new users): High. Many employees quit jobs frequently. Worst case assumption has been made. – Task Importance: High. Our online reporting system and employee time tracking system is important for the proper functioning of the business as a whole. – Task Structure: High. The users have to login to access the systems. Certain functions have to be performed before others. Physical Characteristics: – Color blindness: The users may be color blind or not. – Handedness: The users can use their left or right hands. – Gender: Any person male or female will use our system. Web Based Productive Labor System User Analysis Discussion:

15 Psychological Characteristics Cognitive Style  verbal/analytic  spatial/intuitive Attitude  Positive  Negative  Neutral Motivation  High  Moderate  Low Knowledge & Experience Reading level  Less than fifth grade  Fifth to twelfth grade  Above twelfth grade Typing skill  Low  Medium  High Education  High School Degree  College degree System experience  Expert  Moderate  Novice Task experience  Novice in field  Moderate  Expert in field Application experience  No similar systems  One similar system  Some similar system Native language  English  Other Use of other systems  Little or None  Frequent Computer literacy  High  Moderate  Low Web Based Productive Labor System User Analysis Discussion:

16 Job & Task Characteristics Frequency of use  Low  Medium  High Primary training  None  a manual  elective  mandatory System use  mandatory  discretionary Job categories  Executive  Manager  Engineer  Wage workers  Clerk  Any Turnover rate  High  Moderate  Low Other tools  telephone  calculator  adding machine  None Task importance  High  Moderate  Low Task structure  High  Moderate  Low Physical Characteristics Color blind  Yes  No  Both Handedness  Right  Left  Ambidextrous  Handicapped Gender  Male  Female Web Based Productive Labor System User Analysis Discussion:

17 User ProfileMenuFill-in Forms Questions and Answers Command Language Function Key Direct Manipulation Natural Language Psychological Characteristics AttitudeNegative Neutral Negative MotivationLow Moderate LowHighLow Knowledge and Experience Characteristics Typing skillLowModerate High Moderate High Moderate High Low Low High Education System experience Low Moderate Low Moderate HighLow Task experienceLowModerate High LowHighModerate High LowHigh Application experience Low Moderate HighModerateLow Use of other systems FrequentModerat e Frequen t Moderat e Frequent Infrequen t Frequent Computer literacy LowModerate High LowHighModerate High Low Web Based Productive Labor System

18 User Profile Job and task Characteristics MenuFill-in Forms Questions and Answers Command Language Function Key Direct Manipulation Natural Language Frequency of useLowModerate High LowHighLow Primary trainingLittle or noneSomeLittle or none FormalLittle or none System useDiscretionary MandatoryDiscretionary Turnover rateHighLow Moderate HighLowModerateHigh Other SystemPaper Forms Task importanceLowModerateLowHighModerateLow Task structureHigh Low Moderate Low Web Based Productive Labor System

19 Users of our system will undergo mandatory training and hence they can be knowledgeable even when they use Menus, Fill-in forms, Question and Answers, direct Manipulation and Natural Language styles. The users will be trained by a mandatory training program, having Menus, Fill-in forms, Question and Answers, direct Manipulation and Natural Language styles is advantageous. Turnover rate is high and organizations prefer a self-learning interface to mandatory training therefore Fill-in forms, command language and function keys styles are disadvantageous. Hence, it is clear after analyzing that dialog style for this system shall be a combination of Menus and Direct manipulation methods. A few Fill-in forms and Question and answers forms can be added without being too cluttered. Web Based Productive Labor System User Analysis Discussion: Conclusion : Dialogue/Interaction Style Selected

20 Web Based Productive Labor System User Analysis Discussion: Task Analysis :

21 Primary task: User’s tasks involve filling job activity reports, filling leave applications, creating reports, operating equipment etc. Workload: User activity reporting should be an easy task. Environment: Industrial areas, lot of noise due to other machinery and no air- conditioning. I/O Devices selected: Smart card reader. On swiping the smart card onto the reader user is automatically logged into the system. Web Based Productive Labor System User Analysis Discussion:

22 Follow structure in every web page. – Lists help focus the user's attention on a series of items and make digesting many bits of information easier. – Headings are preferable to lists, at the upper levels, because the larger, bolder font attracts the eye. Consistent style in all pages. A uniform page layout will help your users navigate, and give identity to the site. Example page layout is as follows. Header – Logo, banner, page name Body Footer Pages – Reference: – Titles: Do not use different page titles for every page. The page should be titled with the name of the web application. – Add contact info on the pages. Text presentation: – Use back color text. Use 12 size font for easy readability – Blink should not be used. – Do not use too many font styles. Visual Design: Web Based Productive Labor System

23 Visual Design: Menus – Reference: – Keep feedback simple: don't try to supplement menu choices with lengthy descriptions – We used motion cues over the menu icons for more feedback to user about what exactly the icon functionality is. – Keep menu items related. Navigational tools – Referenced – Must control the environment. Turn off the browser's controls. – Only allow exiting when it is safe or prudent. – Back up your application with good data integrity. – Avoid phrases like Return to... Buttons – Reference: – Use pliant buttons, if buttons are used. Implement a subtle visual cue for mouse rollovers – Buttons should be self explanatory. Web Based Productive Labor System

24 Accessibility – Remember to include descriptions with each image. – For FORMS remember to include labels for form fields. Testing – Test the pages with several browsers - including (at least) one text only, e.g. Lynx.Lynx – Check the links. Check the links Images – Don't use too many images, will slow down the page. Color – Use a browser safe palette for the colors.browser safe palette – Be selective use only a few colors. Accurate information – Reference: Course notes: 6-112 – Online help and other document should reflect actual function. Visual Design: Web Based Productive Labor System

25 Icons – Reference: Course notes: 6-112 – Icons should be memorable. Information presentation (Course notes 6-112) – There should a balance between information breadth and depth. – Intuitive graphical interfaces effect performance. Decide on a background color or image for all the pages. Usually a white background (or one that's light) works better that a black background. It's much easier to read black text on a white background than it is to read white text on a black background. Make each individual page (text and graphics) less than 50k Visual Design: Web Based Productive Labor System

26 Icons Used: Web Based Productive Labor System Iconography :

27 Screen Prototypes: Start Page: Web Based Productive Labor System

28 The first page is the most important page from a presentation point of view. It is designed like a permanent screen saver. Since the PLS can be accessed from many kiosks and computers inside the company premises, this page with a big logo of the company in the centre provides a very good brand presence. The background is chosen to be off white so that it is not obtrusive to the eyes and appears soothing. It does not crave for attention but at the same time is noticeable. There are only 2 links on the page and these are in the standard blue color. Screen Prototypes: Start Page: Web Based Productive Labor System

29 Screen Prototypes: Login Page: Web Based Productive Labor System

30 The log in page is the second screen in the PLS interface. It also has the same background color as the start screen. This is done to provide an uniformity in the whole user interface. This page is very simple and has only the necessary information present on it. It is not cluttered with any animation or icons keeping the environment in mind. Screen Prototypes: Login Page: Web Based Productive Labor System

31 Screen Prototypes: Main Page: Web Based Productive Labor System

32 The main page is the third screen in the PLS interface. It is the most important page and provides many important links to Administration, Table Maintenance, Report Generation, Leave Application, Equipment Maintenance, Smart Card Application and Activity Track. Each link has been provided with a respective and self explanatory icon. The Link names as well as the icons are work as hyper links to the respective pages. A toolbar has been provided at the top of the page which has common office applications like Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Outlook, Support and Settings. These tools are also represented using icons keeping the user profile in mind. The toolbar is clearly visible as a separate entity. A search field is also provided in it which lets the user search stuff through the company website. Screen Prototypes: Main Page: Web Based Productive Labor System

33 Screen Prototypes: Web Based Productive Labor System Productivity Report Generation Page:

34 Screen Prototypes: Web Based Productive Labor System Productivity Report Generation Page: The Report Generation is one of the most important duties. The Administrator assigns the privilege to some employees (supervisors) to be able to access this page. This page provides many features which can are very handy during the generation of a typical report. These are Save, Assign, Run, Filter, Sort, Export, Properties, Charts. Besides the above mentioned options the supervisor can also choose from Choose Report Type Choose Report Options (Daily/Weekly/Quarterly)

35 Screen Prototypes: Web Based Productive Labor System Table Maintenance Page:

36 Screen Prototypes: Web Based Productive Labor System Table Maintenance Page: The Table maintenance page is used to maintain the parameters required for the day to day operations of the organization. The different parameters are Market Centre Details, Employee Details, Position Codes, Washer Codes, Standard Codes, Indirect Labor Details, Department Details, Region codes, Item Job Codes, Rate Codes, Overtime Codes, Daily Job Activity, Leave Applications. Again this page is also accessible only by a select group of supervisors. These supervisors are given the privileges by the administrator. Till now only a few pages have been implemented. The remaining pages will soon be implemented using the same templates.

37 Lessons Learned: Web Based Productive Labor System – Team Co-ordination above everything else. – Importance of the Planning and Designing phase for any project implementation. – Role of the User Interface in our day to day life. Plans For The Future: – To design the remaining pages in accordance with the template. – Perform Debug and thorough testing before handing it over to the client (Aramark). – Perform Maintenance for the UI on a regular basis and provide support as and when required.

38 Conclusion: The PLS will hopefully increase the efficiency of the employees by providing a much easier to use and simpler to understand User Interface. This will in effect increase the overall productivity in the company. The PLS will provide a secure environment with different privilege levels to optimize the functionality offered to its different groups of users. We used the following tools – HTML, VB.Net – Adobe Go Live Web Based Productive Labor System Comments & Tools Used

39 Special Thanks Web Based Productive Labor System – Prof. Steve Jacobs – Monvorath Phongpaibul – Ramakrishna Soma – Mike Nicosia

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