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PRESENTATION OF AWARDS Stephen O. Dean, President Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting and Symposium December 16-17, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION OF AWARDS Stephen O. Dean, President Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting and Symposium December 16-17, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTATION OF AWARDS Stephen O. Dean, President Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting and Symposium December 16-17, 2015

2 DISTINGUISHED CAREER AWARDS Fusion Power Associates Distinguished Career Awards were established in 1987 to recognize individuals who have made distinguished lifelong career contributions to fusion development The 2015 Award is presented to Gerald L. Kulcinski

3 DISTINGUISHED CAREER AWARD In selecting Dr. Kulcinski, the FPA Board of Directors recognizes his many years of dedication to advancing the prospects for fusion power. The Board especially notes his decades of outstanding career contributions as a scientist and educator in the areas of both magnetic and inertial fusion.

4 2015 LEADERSHIP AWARD Fusion Power Associates Leadership Awards were established in 1980 to recognize individuals who have provided outstanding leadership in accelerating the development of fusion power. The 2015 Leadership Award is presented to Hiroshi Azechi

5 In selecting Dr. Azechi, the FPA Board of Directors recognizes the outstanding leadership he has provided to the inertial fusion program. The Board especially recognizes his many scientific contributions and the managerial leadership he has provided to national and international research efforts on inertial confinement fusion and high energy density physics leading towards the eventual achievement of a commercial fusion power source.

6 2015 EXCELLENCE IN FUSION ENGINEERING AWARD Fusion Power Associates Excellence in Fusion Engineering Awards, in memory of MIT Professor David J. Rose, were established in 1987 to recognize persons in the relatively early part of their careers who have shown both technical accomplishment and potential to become exceptionally influential leaders in the fusion field.

7 2015 Excellence in Fusion Engineering Awards are presented to Dr. Susana Reyes of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and to Dr. Francesco Volpe of Columbia University

8 In selecting Dr. Reyes, the Fusion Power Associates Board of Directors recognizes the contributions she has made to both magnetic and inertial fusion, and the leadership she is providing in many areas, including safety, licensing, tritium systems and power plant designs.

9 In selecting Dr. Volpe, the Fusion Power Associates Board of Directors recognizes the contributions he has made to fusion science and engineering in many areas, and the leadership role he is providing in innovations for stellarator and tokamak-torsatron hybrid configurations

10 SPECIAL AWARD Fusion Power Associates Special Awards have been given periodically since 1980 to recognize individuals who have made special contributions to the cause of fusion power development. A Special Award is presented this year to Wayne Meier The Special Award recognizes his many contributions to advancing the science, technology and integrated assessments of potential fusion power plants, his broad support of the fusion community in leadership positions within the ANS and IEEE, and his service on journal editorial boards.

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