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ESMF,WRF and ROMS. Purposes Not a tutorial Not a tutorial Educational and conceptual Educational and conceptual Relation to our work Relation to our work.

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Presentation on theme: "ESMF,WRF and ROMS. Purposes Not a tutorial Not a tutorial Educational and conceptual Educational and conceptual Relation to our work Relation to our work."— Presentation transcript:


2 Purposes Not a tutorial Not a tutorial Educational and conceptual Educational and conceptual Relation to our work Relation to our work

3 What do they represent for? ROMS: Regional Oceanographic Modeling ROMS: Regional Oceanographic ModelingSystem WRF: Weather Research Forecasting WRF: Weather Research Forecasting ESMF: Earth System Modeling Framework ESMF: Earth System Modeling Framework

4 ROMS Classical software structure for numerical model Classical software structure for numerical model No clear hierarchical level No clear hierarchical level Focus on physics Focus on physics Curvilinear coordinate Curvilinear coordinate Nested and composed grid Nested and composed grid

5 ROMS Some level of modularity Some level of modularity Fortran 90/95 Fortran 90/95 C – preprocessing macro managing C – preprocessing macro managing Supports MPI and OpenMP Supports MPI and OpenMP Portable Portable Widely used – 30 countries Widely used – 30 countries

6 WRF General

7 WRF A framework for regional weather research and forecasting A framework for regional weather research and forecasting Emphasize on Emphasize on physics physics software architecture software architecture standard standard

8 WRF software Architecture Three hierarchical level Three hierarchical level Provide dynamic and physics cores Provide dynamic and physics cores Applications have options to add their own components including cores Applications have options to add their own components including cores

9 WRF software design schematic (Adapted from WRF software design document at

10 WRF Features Supports MPI and OpenMP Supports MPI and OpenMP Portable Portable Fortran 90 Fortran 90 Widely Used by international research community Widely Used by international research community

11 Two level decomposition Logical domain 12 patches Level 1 Distributed memory MPI etc. Level 2 Shared memory 4 tiles We are interested in

12 Now ESMF

13 Why ESMF? Standard interface to couple Earth system models Standard interface to couple Earth system models Interoperability Interoperability code validation, tuning code validation, tuning migration from research to operations migration from research to operations Productivity Productivity model components easily to build model components easily to build maintenance maintenance

14 ESMF Superstructure: couple component (required) Superstructure: couple component (required) How models are coupled! Substructure: tools, data component, Substructure: tools, data component, Data regridding etc. No physics/dynamics inside, pure framework No physics/dynamics inside, pure framework

15 ESMF Structure Sandwiched architecture Sandwiched architecture ESMF Superstructure User Code ESMF Infrastructure couple common utility

16 Now Examples of ESMF and WRF

17 Land Information System

18 LIS-GCE coupling (standard way) ESMF Coupler LISGCE ESMF Utility

19 LIS-WRF coupling WRF-surface driver LIS ESMF coupler ESMF becomes a subcomponent

20 Impact of ESMF on Coupled Performance Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF)

21 Now about IOs

22 ROMS IO NetCDF only NetCDF only Stick to NetCDF tools Stick to NetCDF tools No motivation to use other data format No motivation to use other data format Need parallel IO Need parallel IO

23 WRF IO Standard IO APIs NetCDFNetCDF GRIBGRIB HDF5HDF5 Currently supports parallel IO through HDF5Currently supports parallel IO through HDF5

24 WRF I/O Schematic Application I/O API Format Package Comm Package Data Medium Package- independent Package- specific Installation- specific


26 ESMF IO Only support NetCDF IO through WRF APIs Only support NetCDF IO through WRF APIs Very preliminary Very preliminary No goal to improve IO in the near future No goal to improve IO in the near future

27 How’s that related to us? All these model developers express interests about NetCDF4 project, especially parallel IO All these model developers express interests about NetCDF4 project, especially parallel IO NetCDF4 is the key product for HDF5 to be utilized NetCDF4 is the key product for HDF5 to be utilized Simple Parallel IO? Simple Parallel IO? Fortran 90 supports? Fortran 90 supports?

28 ESMF web page: ESMF web page: WRF web page: WRF web page: Applications about ESMF and WRF: Applications about ESMF and WRF: p2.pdf p2.pdf p2.pdf p2.pdf ROMS web page: ROMS web page:


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