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We’ve given them computers. We’ve hooked them up. What more do we need to do?

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Presentation on theme: "We’ve given them computers. We’ve hooked them up. What more do we need to do?"— Presentation transcript:

1 We’ve given them computers. We’ve hooked them up. What more do we need to do?

2 Keynote Address PCERA 2002 Robert Kozma Center for Technology in Learning SRI International

3 Major Policy Commitments World Wide Review of ICT policies in:  Singapore  Norway  Chile  US

4 Major Investment in ICT Review of studies:  US  Europe  SITES M1

5 Innovative Applications and Pedagogical Practices Types of applications in SITES M2:  Project-Based Learning  Collaborative Learning  Web-Based Projects  Web Resources Associated factors:  National policies  Local support

6 Growing Evidence of Impact Review of research:  ETS study  US Virtual High School Study

7 Gap Between Policy and Practice Review of Research:  Rand Change Agent Study  Cohen & Hill  SITES M2

8 How can you fill the gap? Bottom up Top down

9 At the Bottom: Local Support  School ICT plan  Principal support  Teacher training  Technical & instructional support

10 At the Top: Align the System  New educational tools and activities  New curriculum  New models for assessment  New Roles for universities

11 New Educational Tools & Activities  The importance of tools designed around the learning sciences  Some examples:  Knowledge Forum  ChemSense

12 New Curriculum Higher-order thinking skills within knowledge domains:  Problem solving skills  Information management skills  Communication skills

13 New Models for Assessment SITES M3  Performance assessment  ICT skills  Higher-order thinking skills  Embedded in knowledge domains

14 New Roles for the University  Pre-service ICT training  In-service ICT training  Develop educational tools and activities  Broker policy and practice

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