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Breaking the Chains 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC. 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC.

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Presentation on theme: "Breaking the Chains 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC. 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breaking the Chains 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC

2 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC

3  Equipment  Drivers  Facilities  Regulations & Work Rules  Systems integration 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC

4  The number is not the problem it’s where they aren’t  Mexican Volume Increase  Change in the distribution  Canada is at the end of the line 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC

5 Workforce is getting older Replacements are few and far between Dry Freight is the lesser of two evils Traceability (Electronic Monitoring) 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC

6  Vanishing port property  Vancouver  Batch and Hold  Off Sites Add Complexity 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC

7  State, Federal & Work rule changes  Weight and length restrictions on equipment  International work rules 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC

8  ASN’s are not enough  Information flow is one way  Multiple legacy systems  Updates are cost prohibitive 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC

9  Start from the bottom up:  Systems Integration  Not the complete answer but one hell of a start  Rules and Regulations  Facilities  Drivers  Equipment 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC

10  An integrated approach – Break the link  Establish common metrics  Data clearing house  Forward, shared, dependable progress information 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC

11  Smart reasonable changes to work rules Cross Border Trucking a success  Reasonable changes to Government Regulations 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC

12  Through Put facilities not holding yards If it ain’t there you can’t hold it  Inland Port Processing Requires coordination between Customs, Ocean Carrier, Port Processor, Trucker and Rail Carrier 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC

13  Education  Publicity  Respect  Recognition 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC

14  Review the current distribution models  Reduce Equipment Complexity  Improve the co-loading opportunity  Establish more international point to point routes (NAFTA) 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC

15  Chain links denotes self containment  Supply Process Flow requires transparency  Improved Asset Utilization for the Industry 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC

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