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Chapter 4 Settling Disputes. Conflict  Conflict is a natural part of everyday life  Can be productive when managed responsibly!!

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4 Settling Disputes. Conflict  Conflict is a natural part of everyday life  Can be productive when managed responsibly!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4 Settling Disputes

2 Conflict  Conflict is a natural part of everyday life  Can be productive when managed responsibly!!

3 Conflict Disadvantages of going to Court to Settle Conflicts: Time Consuming Time Consuming Expensive Expensive Anger and Bitterness Anger and Bitterness

4 Informal Talk  The least invasive way to resolve conflict is an informal talk  Involves two people talking out the problem with no help from others  Ex:  Disagreement with parents, friends, teacher

5 Negotiation  Negotiation is when people try to resolve the conflict by reaching a solution that is acceptable to all  Is important because the skills involved in handling conflict responsibly are used everyday by people in all aspects of life  People hire attorneys in situations like auto accidents

6 3 Phases of Negotiation  Preparation 1. All parties should have a sincere interest in settling dispute 2. Identify issue causing the conflict 3. Consider issue from the other side 4. Identify two workable solutions to resolve problem  Negotiation 1. Work together to identify issue causing conflict 2. After identifying issues, parties should work together to create a list of possible solutions (Identify 2-3 most workable) 3. Repeat all points of the final agreement to be sure of understanding 1.Write down agreement and decide on consequences if broken  Post-negotiation 1. Make final decisions

7 Arbitration  Arbitration is when both parties agree to have a 3 rd party listen to their arguments and make a decision for them  Decisions made by an arbitrator are legally binding  Common places to have an arbitration hearing:  Contract and Labor Management Disputes  International law cases

8 Mediation  Mediation is when a 3 rd party helps the disputing parties talk about their problems and settle their differences  Mediators do not make decisions for the parties, they only help the settlement between them

9 Court Action  Lastly you could take court action  This is the last action one would take. Why do you think so?

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