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“WE STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE 2012 Pt.4 SKILL & INTEGRITY (Romans 12:3-13/ 1 Timothy 3:1-7) What Does It Take For A Team To Be Great/Excellent? (1)The right.

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Presentation on theme: "“WE STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE 2012 Pt.4 SKILL & INTEGRITY (Romans 12:3-13/ 1 Timothy 3:1-7) What Does It Take For A Team To Be Great/Excellent? (1)The right."— Presentation transcript:

1 “WE STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE 2012 Pt.4 SKILL & INTEGRITY (Romans 12:3-13/ 1 Timothy 3:1-7) What Does It Take For A Team To Be Great/Excellent? (1)The right people on the bus. (2)The right people in the right seats on the bus. THE CHURCH IS A TEAM Christians must operate in THEIR gift (The Right Seat)! Gifts are meant to be used; NOT admired!

2 “WE STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE 2012 Pt.4 SKILL & INTEGRITY (Romans 12:3-13/ 1 Timothy 3:1-7) 3 C’s of EXCELLENCE People Must Have: (1)Competent- must have adequate ability to carry out a specific task -We can’t fill positions just because there’s a need. -The person must have the skill. (2)Character- must do what’s right in godly when nobody else is watching -The person must have integrity. (3)Chemistry- must work well with others -The person is not an island.

3 “WE STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE 2012 Pt.4 SKILL & INTEGRITY (Romans 12:3-13/ 1 Timothy 3:1-7) How Do We Get In The Right Seat? (Romans 12:3-13) (SKILL)(1)VS.3-5 -We must have a proper estimation of ourselves. -We must have a proper estimation of ourselves. *Don’t exaggerate our own importance. *Don’t exaggerate our own importance. *Rate our own abilities with sober judgment. *Rate our own abilities with sober judgment. -We are part of the whole body. -We are part of the whole body. *What we do affects everybody. *What we do affects everybody.(2)VS.6-8 -Recognize OUR gift and USE it; -Recognize OUR gift and USE it; *To bring honor and glory to God & build up the body. *To bring honor and glory to God & build up the body.

4 “WE STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE 2012 Pt.4 SKILL & INTEGRITY (Romans 12:3-13/ 1 Timothy 3:1-7) How Do We Get In The Right Seat? (Romans 12:3-13) (INTEGRITY) (3) VS.9-13 We are to use our gifts in love. -Love hates evil & cleaves to good. -Love hates evil & cleaves to good. -Love esteems others. -Love esteems others. -Love is not slothful in business. -Love is not slothful in business. *We must start & finish on time; *We must start & finish on time; *We must not take more than we can handle. -Love rejoices in hope. -Love rejoices in hope. -Love is patient in tribulation. -Love is patient in tribulation. -Love has a prayer life. -Love has a prayer life. -Love meets the needs of others (gifts meet needs). -Love meets the needs of others (gifts meet needs).

5 “WE STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE 2012 Pt.4 SKILL & INTEGRITY (Romans 12:3-13/ 1 Timothy 3:1-7) (1 Timothy 3:1-7)/How do we fill a position? (1)Excellence sees integrity before giftedness.

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